Intrapartum Nursing Assessment Flashcards
What’s included in the initial intrapartum assessment?
Vital signs
Fetal heart rate (FHR)
Review prenatal records
Gather additional health history as needed
Identify abnormal symptoms
What are some abnormal symptoms when doing an intrapartum assessment?
Vaginal bleeding
Acute abdominal pain
Temperature greater than 100.4 F
Premature labor
Premature rupture of membranes
Non-reassuring FHR pattern
Normal blood pressure?
Less than 120/80
Systolic should not rise more than 30 over early pregnancy baseline
Diastolic should not rise more than 15 over early pregnancy baseline
Normal pulse, respirations and temperature
Pulse: 60-100 bpm
RR: 12-20
Temp: 36.2-37.6 (98-99.6 F)
Normal fetal heart rate?
110-160 / min
Normal weight gain?
25-35 pounds
Fundus level at 40 weeks gestation?
At the level of the xiphoid process
Assessment of the lungs?
Lungs clear with no adventitious sounds
Minimal dependent edema
What type of blood work should we note?
Note blood type and RH factor, because RH negative moms need special treatment
Hemoglobin- 12-16
Hematocrit- 38-47%
Platelets- 150,000- 400,000
Screenings should be negative for syphilis, hep B, HIV
Urine screenings should be negative for?
Red or white blood cells
How do we evaluate labor progress?
Uterine contractions
Cervical effacement
Cervical dilation
Fetal station
Membrane status
How do we assess uterine contractions?
Regular? Increasing in frequency, duration, and intensity?
- measured by palpating at the funds with your fingertips (mild/moderate/strong)
- Can be monitored electronically with the toco held in place by an elastic belt
- can also be monitored by an intrauterine pressure catheter
How to assess membrane status
May rupture before or during labor
-Most reliable method is visualization of amniotic fluid leaking from cervix
Nitrazine test tape which changes colour when exposed to amniotic fluid
Ferning on glass slide older method for assessment of ROM
How often do you document FHR for a low risk pregnancy
Every 30 minutes during the first stage of labour and every 15 mins during the second stage
Low risk pregnancy is defined as?
No pregnancy risk factors
No meconium stained fluid
Labour without augmentation or induction
Normal labour patterns