Intrapartum Complication Flashcards
What is the definition of preterm labor?
Labor that occurs between 20 and 37 completed weeks of pregnancy is referred to as preterm labor
Who are at highest risk for preterm labor?
African-American women experience, preterm birth at higher rate than do women of other groups
Women who have had a previous preterm birth are also at high-risk
How do you recognize preterm labor?
Pain in abdomen, back or pelvis
Menstrual like cramps
Rupture of membranes
Vaginal bleeding
Vaginal discharge
Pelvic pressure
Urinary frequency
What is the most critical risk for baby following pre term birth
An immature respiratory system that cannot support life
Prematurity is the number one cause of what?
Neurological disabilities. The more premature, the higher the risk of neurological disabilities
What are some clinical therapies to stop pre term labour!?
Bed rest
Primary prevention
Secondary prevention
What is primary prevention to stop preterm labor?
Cervical cerclage (sowing cervix shut)
Progesterone administration
Diagnosis and treatment of infections, such as:
- bacterial vaginosis (BV)
- trichomonas
- chlamydia
- group b strep
- gonorrhea
- urinary tract infections
What are secondary prevention to stop preterm labor?
Antibiotic treatment
Tocolysis (the use of medication’s in an attempt to stop or delay labor)
- magnesium sulfate
- Calcium channel blockers (nifedipine)
Also, strongly recommended for women in preterm labor is treatment with corticosteroids, which can boost fetal lung maturity. Examples in include: betamethasone, dexamethasone
What is the definition of prom?
Premature rupture of membranes is a spontaneous rupture of the membranes before the onset of labor
What is preterm prom (PPROM)?
Ruptures of the membrane before 37 weeks of gestation
What are the maternal risks of prom?
Infections such as:
- chorioamnionitis
- endometritis
Placental abruption
What are the fetal risks of prom?
Respiratory distress syndrome
Necrotizing enterocolitis
Intraventricular hemorrhage
Hypoxia due to umbilical cord prolapse, or cord compression
Oglihyramnios leading to pulmonary hypoplasia, fetal abnormalities, and growth restriction
What are the goals for treating prom?
Prolonging the gestation to at least 34 weeks to allow fetus more time to mature
Preventing infection
Inducing labor if 34 weeks gestation is reached
What is the nursing care for prom?
Record details of prom such as date, time, color, odor of fluid
Prevent umbilical cord prolapse
Be alert for signs of infections, such as elevated temperature or tachycardia in mom or baby
Evaluate electronic fetal monitoring tracing
Limit vaginal exams
Patient teaching
What is abruptio placentae (placental abruption)
Is premature separation of the placenta from the wall of the uterus