Labour Educational Policies 1997-2010 Flashcards
What were education policies like under New Labour?
- Tony Blair + Gordon Brown were influenced by NR + Social Democratic ideas
- Retained + modified NR policies
What were ‘Specialist Schools?’
- 1997 Labour inherited 196 SS from Conservatives
- 2007; Over 2,500 SS
- Over 75% of all secondary schools in England + Wales
- Select 10% of their pupil base, who had an aptitude for specialist subject
What was the ‘Education and Inspections Act?’ 2006
Gave schools greater freedoms to be selective by setting own admission arrangements
What was the ‘Fresh Start Programme?’ 2001
- Re-open failing schools as city academies
- Provided new staff + pupils in disadvantaged communities
What was the ‘Additional Table?’ 2006
- Labour accepted NR view that competition would raise standards
- New League Table which showed social factors between schools
- High achieving disadvantaged schools would gain better results
What was the ‘Private Finance Initiative?’
Involved private contractors + state jointly funds of new schools/colleges
What education programmes of privatisation did Labour initiate?
- Exam boards
- Ofsted inspections
What was the ‘Teaching and Higher Education Act?’ 1998
- Tuition fees across the UK for undergraduate + postgraduate
- Originally £3,000 but increased to £9,000 by Coalition government
Why were New Labour educational policy a paradox?
Influenced by both NR + Social democratic views
What was the ‘Excellence in Cities’ policy? 1997
- Push towards overcoming economic + social disadvantages to make equality of opportunity
- Targeting poorer groups
What were ‘Education Action Zones?’
- 1997 Some disadvantaged areas were identified as EAZ
- Provided with additional resources + funding
- Replaced by 1999 ‘Excellence in Cities Programme’
What was the ‘Educational Maintenance Allowance? 1997
Aimed to increase number of WC pupils to stay in school + apply to university
What was the ‘New Deal?’ 1998
Aimed to help the young unemployed gain qualifications to improve working opportunities
What was the ‘Sure Start’ policy? 1999
- Provide pre-school children a better start in life by offering a range of educational opportunities
- Provides services for parents to tackle cultural + material deprivation
What was the ‘Gifted and Talented’ policy? 2002
Identified top 5% of students aged 11-18 in inner city secondary schools + provide extra study support
What was the ‘Aim Higher’ policy? 2004
Widen participation in higher education amongst students from low income backgrounds
What was the ‘Leaving School Age’ policy? 2008
- Increased legal age of leaving education to 17 (Later 18 in 2015)
- Reduce the number of ‘Neets’
Why were Labour’s education policies contradictory?
Encouraged the ‘Naming + shaming’ of underperforming schools