Labour and delivery Flashcards
what is the first stage of labour
onset of labour true contractions until cervix is fully dilated to 10cm.
latent,active and transition
Braxton hicks contractions -durign 2nd and 3rd stage of labour - false contraction
2nd stage of labour
10cm cervical dilation until delivery of baby
3rd stage of labor
from delivery of baby to delivery of the placenta
PROM means
the amintioc sac has ruptures before the onset of labour
extreme preterm
under 28 weeks
very is 28 -32
moderate to late 32-37
prophylaxis of preterm labour what can you do too prolong labour
vaginal progesterone - maintaining pregnancy and preventing labour by decreasing action of myometrium and prevent cervical moderation
cervical cerclage - stitch in cervix to add support to keep closed involving anaesthetic removed when in labour
doubt of amintioc fluid rupture what tests
Insulin-like growth factor-binding protein-1 (IGFBP-1) is a protein present in high concentrations in amniotic fluid, which can be tested on vaginal fluid if there is doubt about rupture of membranes
Placental alpha-microglobin-1 (PAMG-1) is a similar alternative to IGFBP-1
prophalcic antiobitcs given to prevent chorioamnionitis
when do you give antenatal steroids
Giving the mother corticosteroids helps to develop the fetal lungs and reduce respiratory distress syndrome after delivery. They are used in women with suspected preterm labour of babies less than 36 weeks gestation.
An example regime would be two doses of intramuscular betamethasone, 24 hours apart.
what can you give to protect the brain during fatal delivery if premature.
This reduces the risk of cerebral palsy and severity. given within 24hr of delivery
IV magnesium sulfate
what magnesium toxicity
signs of magnesium toxicity
Reduced respiratory rate
Reduced blood pressure
Absent reflexes
Prelabour rupture of membranes Fetal growth restriction Pre-eclampsia Obstetric cholestasis Existing diabetes Intrauterine fetal death
indications of when to start labour
what is the bishops score
The Bishop score is a scoring system used to determine whether to induce labour.]
A score of 8 or more predicts a successful induction of labour. A score below this suggests cervical ripening may be required to prepare the cervix.
used to monitor along with CTG
how do you induce labour
membrane sweep
vagianl PGE2
cervical ripening balloon
oral mifepristone ) anti-progesterone plus misprostol induced labour where fatal death intrauterine has occurred
CTG accelerations and deceerlaerations
Accelerations are generally a good sign that the fetus is healthy, particularly when occurring alongside contractions of the uterus.
Decelerations are a more concerning finding. The fetal heart rate drops in response to hypoxia. The fetal heart rate is slowing to conserve oxygen for the vital organs.
DR – Define Risk (define the risk based on the individual woman and pregnancy before assessing the CTG)
C – Contractions
BRa – Baseline Rate
V – Variability
A – Accelerations
D – Decelerations
O – Overall impression (given an overall impression of the CTG and clinical picture)
Progress in labour is influenced by the three P’s:
Power (uterine contractions)
Passenger (size, presentation and position of the baby)
Passage (the shape and size of the pelvis and soft tissues)
are NSAIDS avoided in pregnancy
simple analgesia in preg
other methods include entonox( nitrous oxide and oxygen) , diamorphen (opiod) , remifentanil patietn given , epidural
what is cord prolapse
Cord prolapse is when the umbilical cord descends below the presenting part of the fetus and through the cervix into the vagina, after rupture of the fetal membranes. There is a significant danger of the presenting part compressing the cord, resulting in fetal hypoxia.
transverse or oblique lie past 37 weeks