Labor & SocLeg _4. Post-Employment _A. Employer-Employee Relationship Flashcards
IV. Post-Employment
A. Employer-Employee Relationship
1. Tests to Determine Employer-Employee Relationship
IV. Post-Employment
A. Employer-Employee Relationship
- Kinds of Employment
a) Regular
b) Casual
c) Probationary
d) Project
e) Seasonal
f) Fixed-Term
g) Floating Status
IV. Post-Employment
A. Employer-Employee Relationship
- Kinds of Employment
a) Regular
IV. Post-Employment
A. Employer-Employee Relationship
- Kinds of Employment
b) Casual
IV. Post-Employment
A. Employer-Employee Relationship
- Kinds of Employment
c) Probationary
IV. Post-Employment
A. Employer-Employee Relationship
- Kinds of Employment
d) Project
IV. Post-Employment
A. Employer-Employee Relationship
2. Kinds of Employment
e) Seasonal
IV. Post-Employment
A. Employer-Employee Relationship
- Kinds of Employment
f) Fixed-Term
IV. Post-Employment
A. Employer-Employee Relationship
- Kinds of Employment
g) Floating Status
IV. Post-Employment
A. Employer-Employee Relationship
- Legitimate Subcontracting vs. Labor-Only Contracting
a) Elements
b) Trilateral Relationship
c) Solidary Liability