Labor Relations _O _ Law on Termination & Disciplinary cases Flashcards
Balancing of interest in DISCIPLINARY CASES
- Labor interests
- Management interests
- Balancing of interest
Constitution recognizes the right to labor of workers as a PROPERTY RIGHT
Employer in its exercise of Management Prerogatives may promulgate rules and regulations geared towards the efficient running of its business operations.
Labor code MANDATES that all Doubts in the implementation of its provisions shall be RESOLVED in Favor of Labour.
Balancing of interests ; Labor v Management
Guiding principles
- Burden of proof on the EMPLOYER TO SHOW just cause ( after employee proved dismissal)
- SUBSTANTIAL Evidence required to prove Cause of Termination ( Just or Authorized)
- In the imposition of penalty, it must be COMMENSURATE to the offense or damage committed
- For termination to be Valid, there must be CAUSE ( J or A) plus DUE PROCESS
Grounds for Termination
A. Just causes
B. Authorized Causes (0.5 month pay for 1 year of service for DRC causes, 1 full month for Install & Redun)
A. F-rH-O-Gi-S
1) Serious Misconduct
2) Gross Insubordination
3) Fraud or Wilful Breach of Trust
4) Gross & Habitual neglect of Duty
5) Other Analogous cases
B. D-i-Re2xtd-C
1) Disease
2) Installation of labor saving device
3) Retrenchment
4) Redundancy
5) Closure but not due to Serious business Losses
Grounds for Termination
A. Just causes
Serious misconduct - elements
- Serious grave Wrong Willful Transgression
- Related to employees duties
- Becomes UNFIT to continue working for the Employer
Grounds for Termination
A. Just causes
Gross Insubordination
- Intentional
- Wrongful & deliberate desire
- Order violated - is reasonable, lawful & made known to employee
- Order relates to Duties of employees
Grounds for Termination
A. Just causes
Fraud ( wilful breach of Trust)
- Intentional, not mere lapse in judgment
- Employee hold Position of TRUST & confidence
- Related to the duties
- Substantial evidence, not just speculations
Grounds for Termination
A. Just causes
Neglect of Duty - gross & habitual
What is the Totality of Infractions rule?
Absence of diligence amounting to Reckless Disregard of Duties
Repeated (over period of time)
imply Bad Faith ( to the detriment of business)
This rule is akin to Habitual Delinquency. Totality of violations justified the dismissal
Grounds for Termination
A. Just causes
OTHER analogous cases
Incompetence - failure to attain work goals
Immorality - conflict with accepted norms; akin to moral turpitude
Constructive Dismissal - employers (employee’s) conduct made employment relationship Untenable
Preventive Suspension - disciplinary measure for malfeasance, misfeasance, nonfeasance
Resignation - employee voluntarily resigning is not entitled to separation pay except if the CBA or contract provides otherwise
Termination due to Union Security clauses
Grounds for Termination
B. Authorized Causes
- Disease prejudicial to his health and of co-workers
- Certification from Public health authority that its incurable within6 months
Grounds for Termination
B. Authorized Causes
Installation of labor saving device (computerization or mechanization)
introduction of technology or equipment that reduces the need for human labor
Grounds for Termination
B. Authorized Causes
- Substantial losses
- Imminent losses
- Dismissal is necessary to prevent Losses and
- Substantial evidence to prove these losses
Grounds for Termination
B. Authorized Causes
Employer is not legally obliged to keep more employees than necessary for economical operation of business.
due to
- over hiring
- discontinued operations
- decreased volume of business
Grounds for Termination
B. Authorized Causes
Closure of Business - partial or total - does not require Losses as its MP
Management Prerogative as long as done in Good Faith
1. in Good Faith
2. Notice to Employees and DOLE one month before
Procedure for Termination
What is the rule?
If there is illegal dismissal ( dismissal WITHOUT Just cause ) - what are the remedies (3)?
If there is illegal dismissal ( due to the Manner eg. without due process) - what is the remedy?
Twin requirements of (1) Notice and (2) Hearing
Remedies under LC for illegal dismissal WITHOUT just cause:
a) Reinstatement without Loss of Seniority rights. But if no longer available, then separation pay will be paid equivalent to 1 month of pay for every year of service
b) Payment of FULL BACKWAGES from time of illegal dismissal to actual reinstatement; and
c) Damages plus Attorneys fees.
Remedies under LC for illegal dismissal WITHOUT Due Process but there is a just cause: same as above but REINSTATEMENT IS NOT AVAILABLE.
Notice and Hearing
What notice is required?
1st Notice - Notice of Appraisal - states ground for dismissal and gives opportunity to explain
2nd Notice - Notice of Termination - administrative investigation is not essential for due process. what is required is the opportunity to be heard.
Reinstatement - procedures
R is the admission of employee back to work prior to his dismissal
No demotion in rank nor diminution of benefits, salary
If the position no longer exists, reinstatement may be to a SUBSTANTIALLY EQUIVALENT POSITION
If there is STRAINED RELATIONS, or employee decides not to be Reinstated, the employer shall PAY SEPARATION PAY in lieu of restoration
The order of reinstatement by Labor Arbiter is IMMEDIATELY EXECUTORY except if a higher tribunal reversed the LA decision
Liability of Corporate officers - Joint
Separate Juridical personality - Corporate officer is NOT PERSONALLY LIABLE for paying obligations of the corporation EXCEPT if the officer is in Bad Faith he will be liable.
From time of dismissal
Wage increases of Other benefits are not included in the calculation of backwages
Attorneys Fees - reasonable compensation for legal services per agreement or as assessed
According to 2208 civil code, awarded Attys fees are payable to the client and not to the lawyer.