Labor and Delivery Complications Flashcards
what is the treatment for breech presentation
external cephalic version at or near term
followed by a trial of a vaginal delivery if the version is successful and planned cesaarean delivery if breech presentation persists
what is dystocia
obstructed labor, aka labor dystocia.
when the baby does not exit the pelvis during childbirth due to being physically blocked, despite the uterus contracting normally
how is dystocia defined
abnormal labor progression
what are different categories of dystocia
problems of power
problems of passenger
problems of passage
what is problems of power
uterine contraction issues
what is problems of passenger
presentation, size (macrosomia), or position of the fetus (shoulder dystocia)
wha tis problems of passage
uterus or soft tissue abnormalities
what is shoulder dystocia
failure of the shoulders to deliver spontaneously after delivery of the fetal head
- obstetric emergency
what is turtle sign
retraction of the delivered head against the maternal perineum
what is the treatment for dystocia
before considering surgical options, change the posture of the mother during labor can help to progress labor
- c-section or vacuum extraction may be necessary
what are treatment options for shoulder dystocia
non-manipulative maneuvers (first line)
- suprapubic pressure, flexion of maternal hips
manipulative maneuvers
- rotation of fetal shoulders 180 degrees, delivery of poterior arm
emergency cesarean section
what is mcroberts maneuver
flexion of maternal hips for shoulder dystocia presentation
what is woods’corkscrew
rotation of fetal shoulders 180 degrees for shoulder dystocia
what is the zavanelli maneuver
pushing fetal head back into vaginal canal with immediate transport to cesarean section
what is considered fetal tachycardia
HR > 160 for 10 minutes