labor and delivery Flashcards
premature rupture of membranes
- rupture of membranes before onset of labor
preterm, premature rupture of membranes
- rupture before 37 weeks
prolonged premature rupture of membranes
- PROM that occurs more than 18 hours before labor
- increased risk of infection
diagnosis of premature rupture of membranes
- sterile speculum exam
- pooling
- nitrizine
- ferning
- IDs placental alpha macroclobulin 1
- used for PROM
amnio dye test
- amniocentesis to inj indigo carmine dye into amniotic sac
- woman puts on tampon
- look for leakage
- used for PROM
components of labor
- dilation
- effacement
- fetal station
- cervical position
- consistency of cervix
- how open cervix is at level of internal os
- 0-10 cm
- length of cervix
fetal station
- relation of fetal head to ischial spine of maternal pelvis
- -3 to +3
bishop score
- made up of 5 components of labor
- if score > 8 means cervix is favorable for induction
vertex presentation
- aka cephalic
- head down
breech presentation
- buttock down
transverse presentation
- neither head nor buttock down
- back or belly
compound presentation
- vertex with fetal extremity
- usu with hand
- contractions that cause cervical change
- change in effacement or dilation
false labor
- aka prodromal labor
- irregular contractions -> little or no cervical change
signs of labor
- bloody show
- N/V
- palpability of contractions
- pt discomfort
labor induction agents
- prostaglandins
- oxytocin
- mechanical dilation of cervix
- artificial rupture of membranes
common indications for induction
- post dates
- preeclampsia
- non-reassuring fetal testing
- synthesized version of oxytocin
- causes uterine contractions
augmentation of labor
- increases already present contractions
- similar indications for induction of labor
- can use pitocin or amniotomy
cervical change
- indirect measure of adequacy of contraction
intrauterine pressure catheter
- directly measure change in pressure during contraction
- measured in montevideo units
- done for 10 min