diarrhea Flashcards
most common viral cause of diarrhea
- norovirus
- rotavirus in kis
most common cause of bacterial diarrhea
- campylobacter
- usually severe diarrhea is bacteria
most common cause of diarrhea in general
- viruses
- most are self limited
definition of diarrhea
- passage of watery stools 3+ times in 24 hours
- due to either impaired water absorption or increased water secretion
acute diarrhea
- < 14 days
- likely infectious
subacute/ persistent diarrhea
- 14-30 days
- inflammatory or infectious
chronic diarrhea
- 30+ days
- either osmotic, secretory, or inflammatory
cause of diarrhea d/t exposure to animals
- salmonella
cause of diarrhea in daycares
- shigella
- cyrptosporidium
- giardia
cause of diarrhea d/t fecally contaminated food or water
- enterotoxigenic e coli
- enteric viruses
- v parahemolyticus
cause of diarrhea d/t unpasteurized milk
- campylobacter
- salmonella
diarrhea of small bowel
- watery, large volumes
- abd cramping
- bloating and gas
- weight loss with persistent diarrhea
- rarely occurs with fever, occult blood, or inflammatory cells in stool
diarrhea of large bowel
- frequent, regular, smaller volume
- painful BM
- blood or mucoid stools
- fever
- inflammatory and RBC on microscopy
- suggests invasive bacteria, enteric virus, cytotoxic bacteria (c diff)
enterotoxic diarrhea
- create a toxin that floats in gut
- causes large amounts of watery diarrhea
- NO fever, elevated WBC, feval leukocytes
entertoxic bugs
- c diff
- e coli
- staph aureus
- cholera
- giardia
invasive diarrhea
- breaks through blood/gut barrier
- causes fevers, leukocytosis, fecal leukocytes
common causes of vomiting
- s aureus
- b cereus
- norwalk like virus
common causes of watery diarrhea
- c perfringens
- enterotoxigenic e coli
- enteric viruses
- c parvum
- c cayentanesis
common causes of inflammatory diarrhea
- campylobacter
- non-typhoidal salmonella
- shigella toxin producing e coli
- shigella spp
- v parahemolyticus
when would you get stool cultures for diarrhea
- severe illness with signs of hypovolemia
- si/sx concerning for inflammatory diarrhea
- high risk host
what can be dx on stool culture
- campylobacter
- salmonella
- shigella
- c diff toxin would be ordered seperately
what can be dx on O&P studies
- giardia
- strongylodies
- enteroadherent bacteria
what would you look for in stoo to dx inflammatory diarrhea
- fecal leukocytes
- fecal lactoferrin- more sens than leukocytes used by GI
why do most deaths from diarrhea occur?
- dehydration