Labor and Delivery Flashcards
What are the stages of labor?
1 = onset of full labor to full dilation of cervix (10cm), can either be latent (ear dilation) or active (usually beginning at 3-4cm)
2 = complete cervical dilation (10cm) through delivery to infant
3 = After delivery, ends with delivery of the placenta
What is the problem with a rupture of the chorioamniotic membrane before the onset of labor? What do you do?
Increased risk of infection and baby born early
Monitor for infections (including a sterile speculum exam) and delivery to avoid infection is best
What is the difference between Pitocin and Oxytocin?
Oxytocin is natural occurring hormone that initiates labor and effects mood throughout pregnancy
Pitocin is a synthetic hormone that mimics oxytocin to initiate labor
If a neonate is facing butt first, what is it called?
Breech position
What is dystocia? What are the 3 categories of dystocia?
Dystocia = difficult or abnormal progression of labor
Power = problem with contractions
Passenger = baby’s position/size
Passage = pelvis and soft tissues
how do you treat dystocia?
If pt has been in stage 1 for more than 14 hours – give Pitocin
If pt has been in stage 2 for more than 2 hours – C-section of oxytocin
What happens if stage 3 is not complete and there is a retained placenta?
Dangerous for infection and post labor bleeding
What should you think of if you see post-partum fever?
Retained placenta
What is the MC cause of postpartum hemorrhage? How do you treat?
Uterine atony (failure to produce coagulopathies)
Tx = uterine massage, blood transfusions, hysterectomy
What are the risk factors to postpartum hemorrhage?
Prolonged or rapid labor, distended uterus
What is the baby’s first poop known as?
How do we treat post-partum depression?
SSRIs, support, and therapy
What are the trimesters of pregnancy?
First = 1-12
Second = 13-35
Third = 26 – delivery (40)
Should a pt take vitamin A during pregnancy?
NO, increased risk of birth defects
If a pt has pruritic, urticarial papules and plaques during pregnancy all over the body – what is it?
PUPPS rash