Labor Flashcards
What hormone is the onset of labor controlled by?
How does oxytocin work to help with labor?
it stimulates uterine contractions through a POSITIVE feedback loop
what are the three stages of labor?
- Dialation stage
2.Expolsion stage - placental stage
Dialation stage
-lasts from onset of contractions to the complete dialation of cervix (10 cm)
-lasts 6-12 hours
-rupture of amnionic sac occurs here
Explosion stage
-lasts from complete cervical dialation to delievery
-time may decrease with # of deliverys mom has had
Placental stage
-from delivery of baby to the delivery of placenta
-placenta gets delivered through powerful uterine contractions
Corpus luteum change during pregnancy:
Corpus luteum will continue to secrete estrogen and progesterone throughout the first 3-4 months in order to maintain uterine lining and prepare mammary glands
once the placenta is formed, it will take over the corpus luteum’s role and start secreting estrogen and progesterone
Cardio changes
increased BV, SV, HR, and Q
Uterine enlargement
the uterus grows, pressing on structures such as the bladder
pulmonary changes
increased VT, VE, and bronchodialation
once baby comes out and the placenta gets expelled _______ levels drop.