Lab Tests Gram Positive Cocci Flashcards
Enriched differential: has red blood cells
Differentiates hemolysis
Alpha Hemolysis
Partial hemolysis of red blood cells, greenish color around colonies because of oxidation of hemoglobin
Beta Hemolysis
Full hemolysis of red blood cells
Gamma Hemolysis
No hemolysis of red blood cells
Chocolate Agar
Only enriched
Blood cells are lysed for easy access so the organisms grow even better
Mannitol Salt Agar
Selective differential
Salt = selects for Staph, inhibits Strep
Mannitol: differential, red to yellow pH change if can utilize mannitol
Catalase Reagent
Hydrogen peroxide
Organisms that have catalase can break down H2O2 into water and O2, O2 causes the gas bubbles
Differentiates: staph +, strep -
Bacitracin Test Method
Antibiotic resistance
Differentiates +: micro (s), staph ep (r)
Differentiates -: , strep agal (r), strep pyo (s)
Coagulase Test Method
Clumping factor (slide): bound to cell walls, acts directly on fibrinogen
Extracellular coagulase (tube): liberated by the cells
Differentiate: staph aur +, staph epi -
Tube test needed for confirmation of S. aur after + slide test bc some biotypes of S. aur ONLY have extracellular
Novobiocin Test Method
Differentiate: staph epi (s), staph sapro (r)
Bile Esculin Test Method
Selective differential
Sodium azide and oxgall: selective against G- and most G+
Esculin: differential, hydrolize esculin in presence of bile
Turns black when hydrolized and combined with ferric citrate
Differentiate: strep pneumo -, viridans -, entero +
Bile Solubility Test Method
Bile salts or bile lyses colonies due to intracellular autolytic enzymes
Differentiate: *strep pneumo *+, viridans -, enter -
CAMP Test Method
CAMP factor acts with beta-lysin of staph aur to produce enhanced lysis of RBCs, clear arrowhead zone if positive
Differentiate: strep agal +, strep pyo -
Optochin Disc Test Method
Differentiate: strep pneumo (s), viridans (r), entero (r)
PYR Test Method
PYRase in organism catalyzes hydrolysis of PYR, interacts with color indicator and turns red
Differentiate: strep agal -, strep pyo +, entero +