[Lab] Respiratory Exam Flashcards
What is Cheyne-Stoke breathing?
Cyclic crescendo-decrescendo respiratory effort (rate/volume) followed by periods of apnea
What is characteristic of obstructive breathing?
Prolonged expiratory phase iv
What is Kussmaul breathing?
Deep breathing w/ metabolic acidosis
May be fast, slow, or normal
What is ataxic breathing?
Irregular/unpredictable breathing which may be shallow or deep
May stop for periods of time
Cyanosis in the lips, frenulum, and buccal mucosa is known as what?
Central cyanosis
Cyanosis in the fingers, toes, ears, and nose, is known as what?
Peripheral cyanosis
Flail chest, paradoxical movement of the ribs, and abnormal spine curvatures may be signs of what?
Respiratory distress
What pulmonary disorders cause mediastinal shift? Which directions?
Pleural effusion - AWAY from effusion
Lobar collapse - TOWARDS collapse
Tension Pneumothorax
What does crepitus on pulmonary palpation indicate?
Subcutaneous emphysema
Crackling sensation over the skin surface during tactile fremitus
What normal breath sounds are heard over most of both lungs?
Expiration longer than inspiration, quieter than bronchial, tracheal
When would you consider lung consolidation with transmitted voice sounds?
Bronchophony - loud and clear “99” rather than soft and muffled
Egophony - “aaa” heard rather than “eee” with spoken voice
Whispered pectoriloquy - (+) bronchophony and loud and clear “1,2,3” rather than faint and muffled