Lab quiz (roots and leaves) Flashcards
taproot system
primary root with secondary root
-dicot roots
pericycle function
-produce lateral roots
-can lead to formation of vascular cambium
single layer of thin walled cells located adjacent to endodermis
do dicot roots have pith
monocot roots
-fibrous root system
-parenchyma pith
root hairs
develop in zone behind root cap and increase absorptive surface of root
dicot root epidermis
outermost layer of cells
1 cell thick
dicot roots interior to epidermis
-cortex tissue with numerous starch granules that are stained purple
-single layer of cells with thick cell walls
-have bonds of Suberin around inner faces of walls
-forms inner boundary of cortex
-has passage cells
passage cells
thin wall, lack suberin
-has t-shaped xylem
-separates tissues in center of root from other root tissues
-between arms of xylem are patches of primary phloem
monocot root structures
-epidermis and cortex regions
-phloem located within patched of xylem
-pith in center
-pericycle adjacent to endodermis
aerial roots
prop roots
root nodules
soybean with rhizobium bacteria