lab quiz 10 Flashcards
provides the body with the nutrients essential for health
digestive system
digested end products can pass through the epithelial cells lining the tract into the blood to be distributed to the body cells, a process known as
scent player of smooth muscle fiber
muscularis mucosae
major function of mucosa
submucosa is connective tissue containing
blood and lymphatic vessels, scattered lymph nodes and nerve fibers
intrinsic nerve supply of submucosa
major function?
submucosal plexus
smooth muscle of the muscularis is controlled by
myenteric plexus
define myenteric plexus
an intrinsic nerve plexus
myenteric plexus is the major regulator of
GI motility
outermost serosa is the
visceral peritoneum
part of small intestine
connective tissue layer deep to the mucosa
composed of circular and longitudinal smooth muscle layers
muscularis externa
vilia increases the
surface area for absorption
protects the anterior opening of mouth
lips or labia
forms the lateral walls of the mouth
forms the roof of the mouth
anterior part of the palate is called?
hard plate
because the bone underlies it
soft palate is unsupported by
bone and uvula
define uvula
fingerlike projection of the soft palate
soft palate rises to close off the
oral cavity from the nasal and pharyngeal passages during swallowing
occupies the floor of the oral cavity
muscular tongue
secures the tongue to the floor of the mouth
lingual frenulum
space between the lips and cheeks and teeth is
area that lies within the teeth and gum is the
oral cavity proper
on each side of the mouth at its posterior end are masses of lymphoid tissue
palatine tonsils
covers the base of the tongue
lingual tonsil
part of the body’s def system
tonsils, along with other lymphoid tissues
begins the digestion of starchy food in the mouth
salivary amylase
common passageway for food, fluid and air
behind the nasal cavity
extends from the soft palate to the epiglottis
extends from the epiglottis to the base of the larynx
food passageway that conducts food to the stomach by
superior end of esophagus’s walls contains
skeletal muscle
thickening of the smooth muscle layer at the esophagus stomach junction
cardioesophageal sphincter
cardioesophageal sphincter controls
food passage into the stomach
stomach is hidden by
liver and diaphragm
area surrounding the opening through which food enters the stomach
cardiac region
the expanded portion of the stomach, lateral to the cardiac region
terminal part of the stomach;
which is continuous with the small intestine through the;
pyloric sphincter
concave medial surface of the stomach is the
its convex lateral surface is the
lesser curvature
greater curvature
extend from the lesser and greater curvatures
gastric glands of the mucosa secrete
hydrocloric acid and hydrolytic enzymes
convoluted tube about 2 meters long in a living person
small intestine
small intestine extends from
pyloric sphincter to the ileocecal valve
small intestine is suspended by the
fall shaped mesentery
small intestine has 3 regions
extends from the pyloric spincter for about 10 inches and curves around the head of the pancreas
continuous with the duodenum, extends for about 8 feet
terminal portion of the small intestine, about 12 feet long
ileum joins the large intestine at the
ileocecal valve
enzymes bound to the microvilli of the columnar epithelial cells
brush border enzymes
brush border enzymes produced by the pancreas and ducted into the duodenum via the
pancreatic duct
formed in the liver
at the duodenum, the ducts join to form the bulblike
and empty their products into the duodenal lumen through an opening called the
hepatopancreatic ampulla
duodenal papilla
3 structural modifications that increase the absorptive area
plicae circulares
Define microvilli
minute projections of the surface plasma membrane of the columnar epithelial cells of the mucosa
describe villi
fingerlike projections of the mucosa that give it a velvety appearance and texture
another name for plicar circulares
circular folds
describe circular folds
deep folds of the mucosal and submucosal layers that forces chyme to spiral through the intestine, mixing it and slowing its process to allow time for digestion and absorption
any residue remaining undigested at the end of the small intestine enters the large intestine through the
ileocecal valve
surface area increasing modifications decrease
in number toward the end of the small intestine
local collections of lymphoid nodules found in the submucosa called
Peyer’s patches
Peyer’s patches increase
along the length of the small intestine
large intestine extends from the
ileocecal valve to the anus
large intestine consists of
cecum appendix colon rectum anal canal
travels up the right side of the abdominal cavity;
makes a right angle turn at the
ascending colon
right colic (hepatic) flexture
descending colon becomes the S shaped
sigmoid colon
sigmoid colon, rectum, and the anal canal lie in the
are not considered
abdominal cavity structures
anal canal terminates in the
external sphincter of skeletal muscles
voluntary sphincter
internal sphincter of smooth muscle
involuntary sphincter
cause the wall to pucker into small pocketlike sacs called
longitudinal muscle layer of the muscularis externa
large intestine
major function of the large intestine
is to compact and propel the fecal matter toward the anus and to eliminate it from the body
large intestines provide a site for
intestinal bacteria to manufacture some vitamin B and K, which it then absorbs into the blood stream
by the age 21, 2 sets of teeth have developed
the initial set, deciduous teeth
permanent teeth
another name for deciduous teeth
milk teeth
mixed dentition
some permanent and some deciduous teeth
teeth are classified as
another name of canines
eye teeth
another name of premolars
teeth names reflect differences in relative
structure and function
used in biting
chisel shaped incisors
used for tearing or piercing of food
incisors, canines and premolars typically have
single roots
lower molars have how many roots?
upper molar
premolars and molars have
broad crowns with rounded cusps specialized for the grinding of food
dentition is described by means of a
dental formula
dental formula specifies the
number, types, and position of the teeth in one side of the jaw
a tooth consists of 2 major regions
crown and root
enamel covered crown is the superior portion of the tooth visible above the
gum or gingiva
hardest substance in the body
enamel is brittle because
it is heavily mineralized with calcium salts
that part of the tooth embedded in the jaw is the
root and crown are connected
by a constricted neck
outermost surface of the root is covered by
cementum attaches the tooth to the;
which holds the tooth in the;
periodontal ligament
alveolar socket
comprises the bulk of the tooth
dentin definition
bonelike material located deep to the enamel and cement
occupies the core of the tooth;
supplied with;
pulp cavity
blood vessels, nerves, lymphatics, tooth sensation
where the pulp cavity extends into the;
it becomes the
root canal
empty their secretion into the oral cavity
3 pairs of major salivary glands
3 pairs of major salivary glands
parotid glands
submandibular glands
sublingual glands
located along the medial aspect of the mandible via parotid duct into the mouth
parotid glands
located along the medial aspect of the mandible in the floor of the mouth
submandibular glands
small glands located most anteriorly in the floor of the mouth and emptying under the tongue via several small ducts
sublingual glands
largest gland in the body
liver is located
inferior to the diaphragm. more to the right side of the body
human liver has how many lobes
digestive function of liver
to produce bile
bile leave the liver through the;
and enters the duodenum via;
common hepatic duct
bile duct
bile has no
enzymes but it emulsifies fat (breaks it down)
bile creats a
large surface area for lipases
without bile
little fat digestion or absorption occurs
when digestive acitivity isnt occuring, bile backs up in the
cystic duct and enters the gallbladder
define gallbladder
a small green sac on the inferior surface of the liver
liver is important in the initial processing
of the nutrient rich blood draining the digestive organs
remove debris such as bacteria from the blood
kupffer cells
liver parenchyma picks up
oxygen and nutrients
processed blood ultimately drains fro the liver via the
hepatic vein
define pancreas
soft triangular gland that extends across the posterior adbdominal wall from the spleen to the duodenum
pencreas is a
retroperitoneal organs, like duodenum
pancreas has both
endrocine and exocrine
produces the hormones insulin and glucagon
produces enzyme
pancreas produces
hydrolytic enzymes
hydrolytic enzymes is secreted in an alkaline fluid into the duodenum via
the pancreatic duct
pancreatic juice is very
large protein molecules produced by body cells
enzymes act as
biological catalysts
digestive enzymes are
hydrolytic enzymes or hydrolases
digestive enzymes and biles function
outside the body cells
hydrolyzes proteins to small fragments
define BAPNA
synthetic human made protein substrate consisting of a dye covalently bound to an amino acid
the presense of a yellow color indicates a
positive hydrolysis test
very important in the overall food breakdown process
skeletal and smooth muscles are involved in
movements during digestion
segmentation and peristalsis
segmentation and peristalsis are most important as
mixing an propulsive mechanisms
define segmental movements
local constrictions of the organ wall that occur rhythmically
segmental movements serve mainly
to mix the foodstuff with digestive juices
segmentation is important in
propelling food through the small intestine
define peristaltic movement
major means of propelling food through most of the digestive viscera