lab practical 2 Flashcards
American Bullfrog
largest rana, light brown, brown strips on back legs, tympanum, NO dorsal lines
Ranidae, Rana catesbiana
Green Frog
light brown, light brown stripes on legs, two dorsal lines through eyes, long torso
Ranidae, Rana clamitans
Southern Leopard Frog
medium, brown, irregular round spots
Ranidae, Rana sphenocephala
Pickerel Frog
medium, brown, slightly organized spots more rectangular, larger spots than leopard frog
Ranidae, Rana palustris
Wood Frog
round short torso, light brown strips on legs, defined (black lined) dorsolateral strips
Ranidae, Rana sylvatica
Spring Peeper
small, “x” on back
Hylidae, Pseudacris crucifer
Eastern Narrow-mouthed frog
small, rounded body, small v shape mouth (narrow)
Microhylidae, Gastrophryne carolinensis
Upland Chorus frog
very small, boney looking, large eyes, single dorsal line down back
Hylidae, Pseudacris feriarum
Gray tree frog
round torso, stinkbug like coloring (grayish with darker gray marbled spots), two little black eyebrows
Hylidae, Hyla versicolor
Northern Cricket Frog
graybrown color, very light orange spots, mirrored brown outlined lines on back
Hylidae, Acris crepitans
Eastern Spadefoot Toad
the rotund looking one, big head and eyes, bumpy
Scaphiopodidae, Scaphiopus holbrookii
Fowler’s Toad
multiple warts per spot, bumpy, lighter than american , little to no spots on belly
Bufonidae, Anaxyrus fowleri
American Toad
darker color than fowler, one wart per spot, bumpy
Bufonidae, Anaxyrus americanus
Black Racer
dark gray color entire body besides white chin, eyebrow bone, smooth scales
Colubridae, Coluber constrictor
Eastern Ratsnake
black dorsal, white ventral, smooth scales, keeled tail
Colubridae, Pantherophis alleghaniensis
Eastern Mudsnake
dark brown/black stripe pattern covering beige base
Colubridae, Farancia abacura
Rough Green Snake
skinny, gradient black to dark brown, rough scales (not smooth) sort of like pinecone
Colubridae, Opheodrys aestivus
Red Cornsnake
small, corn-shaped orange pattern, white/beige base
Colubridae, Pantherophis guttata
Eastern Milksnake
beige, white stripes outlined with black, little heart on its head
Colubridae, Lampropeltis triangulum
Northern Watersnake
white to gray stripes alternating with brown to black stripes
Colubridae, Nerodia sipedon
Eastern Kingsnake
dark chestnut base, white stripes, belly is more white
Colubridae, Lampropeltis getula
small, mostly black with some very light brown/orange patchiness, very very light white stripes, keeled (rough) scales
Colubridae, Thamnophis sirtalis
Eastern Hognose
eyes close together, angry appearance, hog nose
Colubridae, Heterodon platirhinos
Ring-necked snake
ring around neck, small
Colubridae, Diadophis punctatus
Eastern Wormsnake
very small, worm like appearance
Colubridae, Carphophis amoenus
Eastern Copperhead
mostly white/beige, some grayish black outlined spots, in jar
Viperidae, Agkistrodon contortrix
Timber Rattlesnake
large, beige, some random brown spots (slightly light), rattle
Viperidae, Crotalus horridus
Northern Cottonmouth
mostly beige/white, some very dark brown/black splotches which are sharp and not rounded like timber rattlesnake
Viperidae, Agkistrodon piscivorous
graybrown, white under chin extending as a line throughout body (not belly color), keeled scales
Colubridae, Regina septemvittata
Eastern Fence Lizard
dark brown, long tail, large belly, white stripes down tail
Phrynosomoatidae, Sceloporus undulatus
Eastern Six-lined racerunner
six lines on back: three on each side of the back, long tail
Teiidae, Aspidoscelis sexlineata
Common Five-lined Skink
rounded apperance (smooth), orange, five lines throughout body
Scincidae, Plestiodon fasciatus
Leatherback Turtle
sea turtle, small, unique bumpy lines along back
Cheloniidae, Dermochelys coriacea
Red-eared Slider
white/beige line going through sides of head through eyes, medium sized
Emydidae, Trachemys scripta
Eastern Box Turtle
yellow mirrored shell markings, reminds me of cave painting
Emydidae, Terrapene carolina
Spotted Turtle
one dot on each plate of the shell
Emydidae, Clemmys guttata
Eastern Painted Turtle
reddish color, two yellowish lines on neck
Emydidae, Chrysemys picta
Common Musk Turtle
small, ovate shell, triangular face, bumpy neck skin
Kinosternidae, Sternotherus odoratus
Snapping Turtle
small, big head, bright orange, spiny/spikey like a dinosaur, long nose
Chelydridae, Chelydra serpentina
Eastern River Cooter
large, water like yellow ripples on shell
Emydidae, Pseudemys concinna
Diamond-backed Terrapin
smooth shell plates, each plate has spiral pattern, plates in middle have black spot
Emydidae, Malaclemys terrapin
medium sized, spikey dorsal fin
Percidae, Stizostedion vitreum
Brown Trout
medium sized, brown spots on dorsal, forked tail
Salmonidae, Salmo trutta
Brooke Trout
medium sized, light brown stripes, white dots on dorsal, brown lines in dorsal fin
Salmonidae, Salvelinus fontinalis
Rainbow Trout
dorsal is dark brown, black dots, large brown dots on middle part of body, spotted dorsal fin
Salmonidae, Oncorhynchus mykiss
Polyodontidae, Polyodon spathula
Brown Bullhead Catfish
dark gray (darkest of the three), largest
Ictaluridae, Ameiurus nebulosus
Channel Catfish
catfish, second largest, variable light orange dots
Ictaluridae, Ictalurus punctatus
Margined Madtom
smallest, no dots, tip of tail is black
Ictaluridae, Noturus insignis
White Shiner
medium size, brown line through middle, variable tiny black dots
Leuciscidae, Luxilus albeolus
Banded Sculpin
weird shape (reminds me of stone fish), small, stripes down tail
Cottidae, Cottus carolinae
Smallmouth Bass
darkish brown, connected dorsal fins
Centrarchidae, Micropterus dolomieu
Largemouth Bass
light brown color, separate dorsal fins, dotted line on upper part of body
Centrarchidae, Micropterus salmoides
Rock Bass
small, stubby looking (large head), spikey fins, spotted stripes going down body, ovate shape
Centrarchidae, Ambloplites rupestris
small, very light spotted lines, ovate shape, black spot on dorsal fin
Centrarchidae, Lepomis macrochirus
Longnose Gar
Lepisosteidae, Lepisosteus osseus
Bluehead Chub
weird head, looks like it has lips, big forehead
Leuciscidae, Nocomis leptocephalus
Fantail darter
very small, fan-like tail, large dark spots
Percidae, Etheostoma flabellare
Central Stoneroller
slightly large, black dot on tail, bumps on head
Leuciscidae, Campostoma anomalum
Mountain Redbelly Dace
very small, brown spots on top brown line on middle, whiteish tail and fins
Leuciscidae, Chrosomus oreas
Eastern Blacknose Dace
very small, two brown lines through body (not dotted like redbelly)
Leuciscidae, Rhinichthys atratulus