Lab Final Path II Flashcards
Cat with progressive weight loss due to problems eating
SCC on the tongue and left tonsil
Proliferative and Locally aggresive
Reactive retropharyngeal lymph node observed.
Retropharyngeal lymph node
Reactive Lymph Node/ Lymphadenopathy
Characterized by lymphoid cell hyperplasia, sinus plasmacytosis, histiocytosis and erythrophagocytosis.
What is wrong with this????
Nothing! It is a normal esophagus of a leatherback turtle
The esophageal mucosa of leatherback sea turtles has large spines which point caudally to facilitate the swallowing of pray.
Tell me atleast two things wrong with this horse
Ileal muscular hypertrophy (ideopathic or due to parasite impation) –> stenotic lumen
Anoplocephala perfoliata infection at the ileocecal valve
COW. Mdx? disease name? etiology?
MDx: Diffuse granulomatous enteritis
Disease: Jognes disease
Etiology: Mycobacterium avium paratuberculosis
Pig. Etiology(s)? Mdx? Disease name/Common name?
Etiology: Ascaris suum; Stephanurus dentatus (kidney worm of pigs).
Mdx: Chronic eosinophilic fibrosive interstitial hepatitis
Pig. Disease name? Mdx? Etiology?
Disease: Porcine Proliferative Enteropathy -PPE
Mdx: proliferative enteritis
Etiology: Lawsonia intracellularis
Infected animals: chronic diarrhea and stunted growth
“garden hose appearance”
Pig. Disease? Mdx? Etiology?
Disease: Porcine Proliferative Enteropathy -PPE
Mdx: proliferative hemorrhagic enteropathy
Etiology: Lawsonia intracellularis
This presentation occur in older animals (ie young sows)
Disease: Porcine Proliferative Enteropathy -PPE
Mdx: proliferative enteritis (Hyperplasia of intestinal crypts)
Etiology: Lawsonia intracellularis
Horse. Etiolgy? MDx?
MDx: Erosive and ulcerative gastritis
Etiology: blister beetle (cantharidin) toxicity (found in alfalfa hay)
Feline Fatty Liver Syndrome - Hepatic Lipidosis
Mdx: Diffuse hepatic lipidosis
Description: rounded edges, pale, floats in fluid
Important condition in cats that go off feed.
Dz? MDx?
Hepatosis Dietetica- Vitamin E/Selenium Deficiency
Mdx: Diffuse Panlobular hepatic necrosis ***
(not really inflammatory)
Dog. Mdx?
MDx: Chronic hepatitis with post-necrosis scarring and nodular regeneration// Hepatic Cirrhosis
Pale color is due to fatty changes within the regenerative nodules.
Cow. Mdx? Etiology?
Mdx: Chronic eosinophilic and granulomatous hepatitis with interlesional flukes (Fascioldes magna)
Hepatic rupture/fracture
common in HBC cases. May result in fatal hemoperitoneum.
Mdx: Diffuse chronic passive hepatic congestion
Nutmeg liver/ Cardiac cirrhosis due to right sided heart failure
Looks enlarges, mottled (congestion and fatty changes), fibrotic, nodular
Cat Liver. Mdx? Etiology?
Mdx: Chronic Cholescystitis and cholangitis/peri-cholangitis, multifocal, mild to moderate with intralesional trematode parasites
Platynosomum fastosum =Liver Fluke
See promoinant appearance of bile ducts. May cause hyperplasia of the bile epithelium and thickening of the duct walls
**Mdx: Proliferative (hyperplastic) cholangitis/cholangiohepatits**
**Etiology: Eimeria steidae**
**Edx: Hepatic coccidiosis**
One of the major diseases in rabbits (along with uterine carnoma and snuffles)
See pale, slightly raised areas that are scattered throughout the liver (surface and parrencyma).
Histology shows prominant fold of epithelium =hyperplastic
Calf Bone Marrow? Any lesions?
Normal for the age of animal
(if adult, this would be considered bone marrow hyperplasia)
Mdx? Etiology? What other lesions would you see?
Mdx: fibrinonecrotizing enteritis
Etiology: parvo virus
Associtaed lesions: bone marrow and lymphoid depletion
Metastatic melanoma
indicated by the black color and infiltration of the bone
on radiograph there will be a mass and decreased mineralization
tumor spread via both the blood and lymphatics
very hemorragic and infiltratinf the bone
Llama. Mdx? Dz?
MDx: multifocal granulomatous osteomyelitis
Dz: Tuberculosis
also see serous atropy of fat
Goat. Dx?
red marrow and white fat is being displaced along the medullary cavity and by a more yellow color tumor tissue near the epiphysis
Cow. Etiology? Where else may you see this change?
- *serous atropy of fat**
- Etiology:* starvation, cachexia –> chronic emaciation
- also seen at the* base of the heart
Dog. Mdx? Etiology? What else will you see?
MDx: Multifocal osteolysis “punched out lesions”
Etiology: Multiple Myeloma
Will also see: monoclonal gammopathy, hypercalcemia and increased plasma cells
Dog. Mdx?
Acute Lymphadenitis. “Reactive lymph node”
Horse. Mdx? Dz? Etiology?
Dz: equine strangles
Etiology: Steptococcus equi sbsp. equi
Mdx: acute suppurative lymphadenitis (retropharyngeal lymph nodes)
(bastard stangles = abcess in other lymphoid tissues)
Sheep. Mdx? Etiology?
Mdx: chronic caseous lymphadenitis
Eitiology: Corynebacterium pseudotuberculosis
may have union like appearance
Ox. Etiology? Mdx?
Mycobacterium bovis
Chronic granulomatous lymphadenitis
Cat. Dx? Associated disease?
medinastinal lymphosarcoma
frequent in cats ( lymphoma/lymphosarcoma >> thymoma )
associated with FeLV-- may also see breathing difficulties & inability to eat due to compression of the esophagus