Lab Exercise 3 Flashcards
encompass numerous and diverse organisms with the same intracellular organization in higher green plants (presence of organelles)
Eukaryotic algae
belong to Kingdom Protista
Eukaryotic algae
characterized with the absence of vascular tissues (xylem and phloem)
Eukaryotic algae
not differentiated into roots, stems, or leaves
Eukaryotic algae
main photosynthetic pigment of eukaryotic algae
divisions of eukaryotic algae
- Rhodophyta (class: Rhodophyceae)
-Pyrrophyta (Dinoflagellates)
-Chrysophyta (Diatoms)
-Phaeophyta (True Brown Algae)
-Chlorophyta (Green Algae)
what is the class of rhodophyta
known as red algae
phycobiliprotein that is responsible for rhodophyta’s bright pink or red pigmentation
what is the class of pyrrophyta
what is the class of chrysophyta (diatoms)
bacillariophyceae (based on the classification scheme of bold and wayne)
what is the class of phaeophyta
true brown algae
what is the class of chlorophyta
green algae
what are the different modes of reproduction
- vegetative
- asexual
- sexual
what are under the vegetative mode of reproduction
- division of cells
- fragmentation of colony
enables fast and economical production of new individuals with stable adapted genotypes
vegatative and asexual
under asexual mode
production of spores
under sexual reproduction
union of gametes
it allows variation and is more costly with the wasted gametes being failure to fertilize
sexual reproduction
what are the different classification of the life cycle
- haplonic or zygotic life cycle
- diplontic or gametic life cycle
- diplohaplontic life cycle
- Generalized cycle
- Triphasic life cycle
vegetative phase is predominant; haploid in nature; meiosis occurs during zygote germination
haplontic or zygotic life cycle
single predominant vegetative diploid phase; meiosis leads to formation of haploid gametes
diplontic or gametic life cycle
alternation of generation (between haploid gametophyte and diploid sporophyte phase)
diplohaplontic life cycle
produced by gametophytes via mitosis
created by sporophyte via meiosis
seen in most members of Florideophycidae ( PolysiphoniaI sp.); follows a diplohaplontic life cycle with predominance of the sporophyte phase
Generalized cycle
life cycle exhibited by most red algae
-> gametophyte (n)
-> carposporophyte (2n)
-> tetrasporophyte (2n)
Triphasic life cycle
why is red algae differentiated from pigmented algae
- complete absence of flagella and centrioles in any stages
- absence of sexuality in some members
- lack of plasmodesmata and presence of pit connections in some members
consists of thylakoids that are unstacked
red algae
group into phycobilisomes same with cyanobacteria
red algae
subclasses of class rhodophyceae
- Bangiophycidae
- florideophycidae
unicellular forms, uninucleated cells, absence of pit connections in most members; absence of true sexual means of reproduction in some members (subclass of rhodophyceae)
Bangiophycidae and florideophycidae
what orders are under class bangiophycidae
- porphyridiales
- bangiales
- compsopogonales
what orders are under class florideophycidae
- nemaliales
- gracilariales
- gigartinales
- ceramiales
what family is order porphyridiales
Porphyridiaceae (Porphyridium cruentum)
what family is order bangiales
Bangiaceae (Porphyra sp.)
what family is order compsopogonales
Compsopogonaceae (Composopogon caeruleus) *
what family is order nemaliales
Galaxauraceae (Galaxaura sp.)
what family is order gracilariales
Gracilariaceae (Gracilaria sp.)
what family is order gigartinales
Solieriaceae (Eucheuma sp.)
what family is order ceramiales
Rhodomelaceae (Polysiphonia sp.)
-unicellular protists
-usual biflagellated nature of the vegetative cells
division pyrrophyta
different from one another in terms of form, orientation, and type of movement; can be inserted anteriorly laterally
enclosed by a cell covering
vegetative cells
consist mostly of cellulose material
cell covering
classes under pyrrophyta
- desmophyceae
- dinophyceae
apically inserted flagella
- laterally inserted flagella or at the median section of the cell body
- one at the cingulum
- the other at the sulcus (longitudinally oriented groove)
modes of reproduction for division pyrrophyta
Asexual - simple binary fission
Sexual - noted to occur in some
- either by siogamy or anisogam
can encyst under unfavourable conditions
= form of the cyst is very different from the vegetative cell
- considered a taxonomic character
some bloom-forming species
when does water appear golden or red (red tide) due to reproduction of dinoflagellates
during summer
affect/harm marine life such as fish, shellfish, clams, mussels, oysters
Neurotoxins produced by dinoflagellates
representative species of division pyrrophyta
- Pyrodinium bahamense
- Prorocentrum
- Ceratium
= cell wall; mostly made of silica
= made up of two overlapping halves that fit together
Frustules or shell
constancy of the ornamentations in their wall structures and symmetry are what…?
taxonomic characters that delineate various group
symmetry of division chrysophyta
- radial = centric diatoms
- bilateral = pennate diatoms
modes of reproduction for division chrysophyta
- Sample longitudinal division of cells
- Sexual
= result in successive diminution in cell size
= does not continue
Sample longitudinal division of cells
rejuvinescent cells; formed at a certain cell size under favorable amount of silica
= give rise to vegetative cells of maximum size
auxospore formation is a ___ reproduction
fusion of non-motile gametes by either:
auxospore formation
representative species of division chrysophyta
what division does brown algae belong to
division phaeophyta
= largest group of algae
= grows in shallow waters and on rocky shores
brown algae
what is the dominant pigment of xantophylls in brown algae
other pigments present in brown algae
- carotenoids
- phaeophycean tannins
shade of brown algae
brown-yellow, green-brown, dark-brown
largest group among the chromists
= contain chlorophyll c and fucoxanthin pigments
what chlorophyll do phaeophytes contain
chlorophyll c
phaeophyte that has no unicellular nor colonial forms
true brown algae
sub classes of division phaeophyta as proposed by Kylin
- Isogeneratae
- Heterogenerate
- Cyclosporae
subclass of phaeophyta that has
=diplohaplontic life cycle
=isomorphic alternation
subclass of phaeophyta that has
=diplohaplontic life cycle
=heteromorphic alternation
subclass of phaeophyta that has
=diplontic life cycle (only diploid generation)
=no alternation
= same life cycle with diatoms
included in the division; large brown algae seaweeds; “underwater forests”
representative species of division phaeophyta
- fucus
- Sargassum
- Ectocarpus
- Laminaria
-Hydroclathrus - Padina jamaicensis
macro algae; aka “rockweed”
- commonly found on rocky seacoasts and marshes
- good sources of alginates
one of the products derived from kelp; for paper production, toothpaste, ice cream (increase viscosity), texture for uniform freezing and melting
- widely distributed in the tropic
- same type of life cycle as fucalean alga
simplest habit as branched filament
- sporophyte (2n thallus) and gametophyte (n) are morphologically alike
- exhibits isomorphic alternation of generation
- one of most complex forms and true tissure organization of its thallus
- example of a kelp that grows about 5m or more in length; rocky coast of temperate or polar seas
- heteromorphic alternation of generation
net-like brown alga; common in the tropic
- heteromoprphic aternation, except that it produces PLURILOCULAR SPORANGIA along the margins of the blade
what does hydroclathrus produce along the margins of the blade
plurilocular sporangia
- white scroll algae
- leaf-like structure, blades split, irregularly branched to rocks in shallow reefs
- heavily fed by fish
padina jamaicensis
it has both chlorophyll a and b and it stores starch inside a double membraned plastid
green algae
two distinct groups of green algae
- chlorophytes
- charophytes
division chlorophyta includes the following
- scaly green flagellates
- ulvophyceae
- chlorophyceae
- trebouxiophyceae
scaly green flagellates
prasinophytes: Pyramimonas and Tetraselmis
Ulva and Acetabularia
Chlamydomonas and Volvox
where do most chlorophytes live
in marine water
what is the color of chlorophyceae
clear green
- clear green color
- chlorophyll masked or altered little or not at all by other pigments
orders of chlorophyceae
- Volvocales, Chaetophorales, and Chlorococcales
- Chlorellales
- Oedogoniales
= more than half of all chlorophyceans
= offset flagellar arrangement (1oclock-7oclock)
- Volvocales, Chaetophorales, and Chlorococcales
flagellar arrangement of Volvocales, Chaetophorales, and Chlorococcales
offset : 1-7 oclock
= opposed flagellae (12oclock-6oclock)
= some have only vestigial flagellae (not been definitively associated with the group)
flagellar arrangement of chlorellales
opposed : 12-6 o clock
= complex multiflagellate crown on swimming spores
= filamentous, oogamous, net-like chkoroplasts
= includes all embryophyte plants
= includes all freshwater green algae
division streptophyta
freshwater green algae that are included in division streptophyta
- Charophyceae (stoneworts)
- Coleochaetophyceae
- Zygnematophyceae (conjugates)
- Klebsormidiophyceae
- Mesostigmatophyceae (including chlorokybus)
- members form macroscopic branching filaments with a long central axis punctuated by nodal cells
- whorl of secondary branched cells are coenocytic = contains numerous chloroplasts and nuclei
- long stems between nodal cells may be a single cell in length
- species contain a jacket of cells surrounding the oogonium
what does coenocytic mean
contains numerous chloroplasts and nuclei
what is the structure of the flagellate of charophyceae
like those found in bryophytes and ferns
have resistant cell walls (sa charophyceae)
charophyte oospores
orders of charophyceae
- Klebsormidiales
- Zygnematales
- Coleochaetales
- Charales
what are the members of bangiophycidae
- unicellular red algae
- filamentous red algae
what is the species used for unicellular red algae
Porphyridium cruentum
parts of a unicellular red algae
- chromoplast = stores phycoerythrin
- cell envelope
- cell wall
- cytoplasm
- nucleus
what is the thick envelope around each cell of a unicellular red algae mainly made of
sulfrated galactans
an emulsifying agent produced by the sulfrated galactans
species used for filamentous red algae
- Compsopogon caeruleus
- Porphyra sp.
parts of a filamentous red algae
- branching thallus
- young branch
- branched uniseriate / uniaxial filamen
what happens to the uniseriate filaments as the thallus grow older
covered by small-celled cortical cells to make it ensheathed or corticated
uniseriate filaments
gaps between adjacent cells
pit connections
one of the few freshwater red algae in the ph
Compsopogon caeruleus
cuboidal cells with similar features
undifferentiated cells
rectangular cells, grouped in multiples of 4
reproductive cells
cells present in porphyra sp
- undifferentiated cells
- reproductive cells
- vegetative cells
what is poryphera known for (in diff languages)
gamet - ilocano
nori - japanese
sea laver - english
*popular ingredient in making sushi
species used for florideophycidae
- Eucheuma sp.
- Galaxaura sp.
- Gracilaria sp.
- Polysiphonia in vegetative state
parts present in polysiphonia
- prostate system
- rhizoids
- attachment disc
- erect system
-apical cell - trichoblast
creeping, basal part of thallus; attached to the substratum
prostate system
false roots attached to the prostate system
swollen distal end of each rhizoid
attachment disc
vertical and profusely branch part of the thallus
= composed of parallel filaments
erect system
parallel filaments
3 types of siphones
- central siphon
- pericentral siphon
- cortical siphon
center; elongated or larger cells
central siphon
surrounds the central; smaller and narrower cells
pericentral siphon
found in older branches; smaller than pericentral siphons
cortical siphon
where trichoblast branch grows and develops to bear spermatangia of male gametophyte or carpogonium of female gametophyte
apical cell
= small mono-siphonous or uniaxial branch of the thallus
= developed from the apical initial cell
= name derived from the polysiphonous characteristics of the algae’s branching filament
= composed of more than one layer (row) of cells making the filament multiseriate or multiaxial
reproductive parts of polysiphonia sp. antheridia and carpogonium
- spermatangia with spermatia
- carpogonial branch
- carpogonium
- pericarp
- trichogyne
= one-shaped cluster
= globular or oblong (mature or fully-developed)
= unicellular structure
spermatangia with spermatia
branch or filament which bears the carpogonium
carpogonial branch
= basal swollen flask shaped cell
= within the pericarp of the carpogonial branch
= short sterile filaments
= form an urn-shaped envelope around the carpogonial branch
= upper tubular elongated extension
= connected to the carpogonium
reproductive parts of polysiphonia sp cystocarp and tetraspores
- cystocarp
-carposporophyte - carpospores
- tetraspores
- tetrasporophyte
original protective envelope (pericarp) is retained, but only grown in size and serves as the protective case of the carposporophyte
= globular/urn-shaped structure
= used to be a carpogonium
tubular or pear-shaped cells in the carposporophyte
round/cuboidal cell within the tetrasporophyte
= filamentous free-living plant
= morphologically similar with the gametophyte
parts of pyrodinium bahamense var. compressa
- thecal plates
- epitheca
- hypotheca
- cingulum
- sulcus
species used for division pyrrophyta (dinoflagellates)
- prorocentrum (desmophyceae)
- ceratium (dinophyceae)
- pyrodinium bahamense var. compressa
ell wall sculptured into polygonal plates
thecal plates
difference between armored vs unarmored/naked
armored - present thecal plates
unarmored/naked - absent
upper part of cell body
lower part of cell body
transverse groove; separates epitheca and hypotheca
longitudinally oriented groove
species used for division chrysophyta
- cyclotella
- synedra
- navicula sp.
parts of the species under chrysophyta
- striae
- pseudoraphe
-true raphe
= array of short straight lines radiating from the periphery of the disc towards the inside of the valve
= diagnostic characters used to delineate up to species level which are visible when protoplast was removed
= not a true raphe
= without any markings
= striae are marginal but tend to extend nearer the axial area of the valve
= canal-like groove at the axial field of the valve
true raphe
species used for division phaeophyta
- ectocarpus sp.
- laminaria
- hydroclathrus
- sargassum
parts of ectocarpus sp.
- plurilocular sporangia
- unilocular sporangia
- diploid thalli
- haploid thalli
contain all fertile cells (phaeophyta)
- may young sporophyte thallus na ma form
plurilocular sporangia
= always occur on a diploid thalli (sporophytes)
= give rise to numerous haploid zoospres after meiosis that develop into haploid thalli (gametophytes)
unilocular sporangia
type of meiosis for ectocarpus (phaeophyta)
sporic meiosis
sporophytes (ectocarpus)
diploid thalli
gametophytes (ectocarpus)
haploid thalli
what type of alternation does ectocarpus have
alternation of generation
parts of laminaria
- holdfast
- stipe
- blade or lamina
- meiospores
anchors the alga firmly to the substrate
short stalk but thick and spongy
= for photosynthesis
= bears unilocular sporangia along its margin
blade or lamina
= released in sporangia= biflagellated and germinate into:
- oogonia = few celled to little branched female
- clusters and clusters of antheridia = male gametophytes
few celled to little branched female
male gametophytes
clusters of antheridia
blade contains plurilocular sporangia
parts of a hydroclathrus
- sporophyte
- holdfast
- stipe
- blade
- air bladders or vesicles
- receptacles
- conceptacles
part of a hydroclathrus that has
= observable plant body
= commonly seen along rocky coastlines of temperate region
sporophyte (diploid thallus)
= strong ‘root-like’ structure
= could withstand strong wave action
short ‘stem-like’ structure
prominent star-shaped axes; flattened and highly branching
= spherical to subspherical
= usually come in pairs; serve as floaters
air bladders or vesicles
= fertile regions
= found in the tips of the branches
= inflated with rough surface walls
= cavities in the surface walls of the receptacles
= may have one or both the ooginial (produce eggs) and antheridial (produce sperm)
= do not exhibit alternation of generations
= diplontic life cycle ( dominant and conspicuous thallus is a sporophyte
parts of a sargassum
- holdfast
-cylindrical main axes - sterile leaf-like laterals
- air bladders or floaters
- conceptacles
- fertile branches
several flattened structures (part of a sargassum)
sterile leaf-like laterals
part of a sargassum that is spherical
air bladders or floaters
= more condensed
= narrower and shorter segments than vegetative axis
fertile branches
species used for chlorophyceae
- euglena
- chlamydomonas
parts of a chlorophyceae species
-paramylon rings
-contractile vacuole
-daughter colony
light sensitive pigmented spot
protein body involved in carbon fixation, starch formation, and storage
carbohydrate reserves that form rings
paramylon rings
subcellular structure; helps regulate liquid
contractile vacuole
under thallus; used for anchorage and absorption
plant body that is not differentiated into stem and leaves; lacks true roots and a vascular system
stem-like structure found on the thallus
bears the structures holding the gametes
species used for charophyceae
parts of chara
- antheridium/jacketed globute
-main axis
contains male gametes ( part of chara)
antheridium/jacketed globute
contains female gametes of a chara
= erect part of the algae
= bears nodes and internodes
main axis
pair of central small cells surrounded by 6-20 peripheral cells
single, elongated, or oblong cell
= resembles horsetail or Equisetum
= commonly called as aquatic horsetail