Lab Exercise 2 Flashcards
considered as plant allies
some of their members contributed to the endosymbiotic theory
members of eubacteria
what is the endosymbiotic theory
the chloroplast lineage of plants
difference between eukaryotes and prokaryotes
absence of some organelles in prokaryotes
what organelles are absent in prokaryotes?
- nucleus
- chloroplast
- lysosomes
- vacuoles
they are mostly unicellular, some may aggregate into colonial and filamentous form
prokaryotic cells are enclosed by?
peptidoglycan cell and outer sheath (may be mucilaginous or rigid)
what are the parts of a prokaryotic cell
- plasmalemma
- centroplasm/nuclear zone
- mesosomes
the cytoplasmic membrane that shows invaginations towards the cytoplasm
invaginations towards the cytoplasm and responsible for respiration
encloses the centroplasm and peripheral zone
centrally located, nucleoid region
Centroplasm / nuclear zone
what do mesosomes use to enclose the cytoplasm
granular or lamellar structures
mode of reproduction in prokaryotes
asexual reproduction in prokaryotes
- binary fission (unicellular and colonial)
- fragmentation (filamentous)
- spore formation
use light as energy source and chlorophyll as the main receptor pigment
what is the role of accessory photosynthetic pigments
broaden the range of light that can be used
who proposed the six-kingdom system of classification
Carl Woese
organisms in the kingdom eubacteria are
photosynthetic prokaryotes
blue-green algae / cyanobacteria
prochlorophytes / chloroxybacteria
types of photosynthetic prokaryotes
- Cyanobacteria (cyanophytes)
- Chloroxybacteria (prochlorophytes)
cyanobacteria are photosynthetic mainly due to the presence of
chlorophyll a