What were the three health-specific Millennium Development Goals (MDGs)?
Answer: Child health (MDG4), maternal health (MDG5), combating HIV/AIDS, malaria, and other diseases (MDG6).
When did the United Nations replace the MDGs with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)?
Answer: In September 2015.
What was the Maternal Mortality Ratio (MMR) in the Philippines as of 2015?
Answer: 204 mothers dying per 100,000 live births.
How many new cases of HIV/AIDS were being diagnosed daily in the Philippines as of 2015?
Answer: 25 new cases daily.
Which Millennium Development Goal (MDG) was the Philippines farthest from meeting?
Answer: MDG 5 - Improve Maternal Health.
Why is the incidence of HIV/AIDS on the rise in the Philippines?
Answer: Inappropriate and irrational use of anti-infective drugs.
What are some factors driving the spread of vector-borne diseases in the Philippines?
Answer: Urbanization, land-use changes, and climate change.
How do natural disasters impact public health in the Philippines?
Answer: Flooding contaminates drinking water, increasing the transmission of waterborne diseases.
What is the growing challenge related to antimicrobial resistance (AMR)?
Answer: Inappropriate and irrational use of anti-infective drugs in humans and animals.
Give an example of a health issue related to antimicrobial resistance in the Philippines.
Answer: Multi-drug resistant tuberculosis (MDR TB).
Which country has one of the best health systems in the world, providing quality, safe, and affordable healthcare?
Answer: Australia.
What are the primary care services delivered by in Australia?
Answer: General practitioners (GPs), medical specialists, and allied health workers.
Which system in Australia provides free or low-cost access to healthcare services?
Answer: Medicare and the public hospital system.
What is the role of private health insurance in Australia’s healthcare system?
Answer: It provides choice outside the public system, and individuals contribute toward the cost of healthcare.
What are the three major parts of Australia’s Medicare system?
Answer: Medical services, public hospitals, medicines.