Lab exam 3 Flashcards
What is the family & scientific name of Sassafras?
Sassafras albidum
What is the family & scientific name of Sycamore?
Platanus occidentalis
What is the family & scientific name of the Cucumber tree?
Magnolia acuminata
What is a unique characteristic of Sassafras albidum?
3 types of leaves:
entire, 2 lobed (mitten), 3 lobed
What are characteristics of Platanus occidentalis?
leaves are crown-shaped, 3 peaks (on top), large-toothed.
bark is reddish with peach-colored speckles
What are characteristics of Magnolia acuminata?
leaves entire
obvious leaf scars
small white spire at branch terminal
What is the family & scientific name of the Bigtooth Aspen?
Populus grandidentata
What are characteristics of Populus grandidentata?
Obovate large-toothed leaves many achene (branch terminals & leaf axels)
What is the family & scientific name of Wild Blackcherry?
Rosaceae Prunus serotina
What are characteristics of Prunus serotina?
leaves w/miniscule teeth
no berries on collected specimens
What is the family & scientific name of Chestnut?
Castanea dentata
What is a characteristic of Castanea dentata?
large fire-like teeth
What is the family & scientific name of Box-elder?
Acer negundo
What are characteristics of Acer negundo?
obvious midrib & veins on under-leaf
compound leaves w/teeth that get smaller towards the apex
What is the family & scientific name of Smooth Sumac?
Rhus glabra
What are characteristics of Rhus glabra?
tree w/fern-like compound leaves
some leaves entire others partially sparsely toothed
What is the family & scientific name of Flowering dogwood?
Cornus florida
What is the family & scientific name of Bitternut Hickory?
Carya cordiformis
What is the family & scientific name of Blackgum?
Nyssa sylvatica
What is a characteristic of Carya cordiformis?
odd-pinnate, 9-leaved compound leaves
What is a characteristic of Nyssa sylvatica?
terminal leaves in group of 4-5
What is the family & scientific name of Black locust?
Rebinia pseudoacacia
What are characteristics of Rebinia pseudoacacia?
many small leaved, compound leaves on green w/black fungus petiole
What is the family & scientific name of Partridge berry?
Mitchella repens
What are characteristics of Mitchella repens?
fruit created through fusion
ground-vining w/roots on stem
What is the family & scientific name of red Maple?
Acer rubrum
What are characteristics of Acer saccharum?
top lobe of the leaf is crown-shaped (3 upward-facing pointy apexes)
What is the family & scientific name of Sugar Maple?
Acer saccharum
What is the family & scientific name of Pin Oak?
Quercus palustris
What are characteristics of Quercus palustris?
Red Oak or White Oak family?
very deep sinus almost to the midrib
spines on leaf teeth
(type of Red Oak)
What is the family & scientific name of Musclewood?
Carpinus caroliniana
what are characteristics of Carpinus caroliniana?
catkin made up of many little leaves
leaves toothed - mini & miniscule toothed
What is the family & scientific name of tulip tree?
Liriodendron tulipifera
What are the characteristics of Liriodendron tulipifera?
leaves w/obtuse triangular sinuses
4 lobes pointing upwards (tulip-looking)
green spires at branch termini
What is the family & scientific name of Witch-hazel?
Hamamelis virginiana
What is a characteristic of Hamamelis virginiana?
tiny catkin flowers, (green w/yellow protruding strands)
What is the family & scientific name of Common privet?
Ligustrum vulgare
What are characteristics of Ligustrum vulgare?
berries blue before drying, black covered in green powder-look afterwards; berries in opposite compound inflorescence
leaves opposite
What is the family & scientific name of Spotted Wintergreen?
Chimaphila maculata
What are characteristics of Chimaphila maculata?
wintergreen leaves
small plant w/long flower stalk splitting into 2 at top for 1 flower each,
toothed whorled leaves at flower stalk base
What is the family & scientific name of Swamp White Oak?
Quercus bicolor
What is a characteristic of Quercus bicolor?
very shallow, almost just largely toothed leaves
What is the family & scientific name of Common blackberry?
Rubus allegheniensis
What are characteristics of Rubus allegheniensis?
compound finely-toothed leaves in groups of 5
achene at leaf petiole axel
leaf petiole green
What is the family & scientific name of Shagbark Hickory?
Carya ovate
What is the family & scientific name of red oak?
Quercus rubra
What is the family & scientific name of Shingle Oak?
Quercus imbricaria
What is a characteristic of Quercus imbricaria?
leaves not lobed like other Oak species
leaves entire
many achene at termini
What is the family & scientific name of White Oak?
Quercus alba
What is a characteristic of Quercus alba?
round lobes
What is a characteristic of Quercus rubra?
lobes are pointed
What is the family & scientific name of Yellow Birch?
Betula alleghaniensis
what are characteristics of Betula alleghaniensis?
vibrant green many-many toothed leaves
leaf scar build-up due to quick growth (scale-looking stem near leaves)
What is the family & scientific name of tree of heaven?
Ailanthus altissima
what is a characteristic of Ailanthus altissima?
skunk-like odor
fern-like compound leaves
somewhat toothed near leaf base