Lab 9 Flashcards
5 Features of Primates
Opposable Thumbs Tactile pads Finger nails 5 digits Greater reliance on sight rather than smell
long period of time with no evolutionary change
Arboreal Theory
theory that animals came from the ground and adapted to live in trees
Punctuated Equilibrium
slow evolutionary rates of change punctuated by dramatic spurts of sudden significant change
Adaptive Radiation
rapid increase and spread of an evolving group of organisms that spread into and adapt to new ecological niches
the environment to which a species is adapted, including diet, habitat preference, activity pattern, and other features
Visual Predation Theory
Theory that animals had already lived in trees, and changed environmental location to the terminal (ends of) branches
Paleocene Epoch
65-55.8 M.Y.A 1st primates appear, Primitive ‘prosimians’ Ex: Purgatorius
Eocene Epoch
55-34 M.Y.A Euprimates (modern-like) appear Prosimians only Ex: Omomyidae - insect eating, smaller Ex: Adapidae - fruit eating, lemur-like
Oligocene Epoch
34-23 M.Y.A Marks the time when Prosimians and Anthropoids branch off Anthropoidia family breaks into Parapathecidae (ancestors of modern Platyrrhines) and Propliopithecidae (ancestors of modern Catarrhines)
Miocene Epoch
23-5.3 M.Y.A Era of Apes (Proconsul Major & Africanus appear) Separates Old world vs. New world Cercopithecoidea and Hominoidea
Anthropoidea Member of the Parapithecidae family part of the Oligocene epoch Ancestor of the ‘ancient family’
Catopithecus Browni
Anthropoidea Member of Propliopithecidae family part of the Oligocene epoch
Robust Quadraped Arboreal Frugavore with low rounded cusps Divergent dental arcade Procumbent incisors Teeth x-4 2:1:2:3 Dental structure Oligocene era

Proconsul Africanus
Robust Quadraped
First Ape
Miocene Epoch
Divergent teeth row
Diastama present
Slight procumbence

Proconsul Major
The larger of Proconsuls
Robust Quadraped
First Ape
Divergent teeth row
Diastama present
Slight Procumbence
Miocene Epoch
First ape found in Europe
Miocene Epoch
Large mandible
Large molars
Low cusps
Apendiges Exagerated

Did not exist long
Heavy enamel
Large molars
Large mandible
Low cusps
Apendiges exaggerated

Miocene Epoch
Large mandible
Large molars
Low cusps
Lot of enamel
Apendiges exaggerated
Orrorin tugenensis
Miocene Epoch
Ardipithecus ramidus
Bipedal walker
Partial arboreal living
Foramen magnum
Miocene Epoch