Lab 10 Flashcards
Biomolecular Clock
Ratio used to calculate DNA hybridization: (100-%) / MYA
Paranthropus (Australopithecus) boisei
2-1 M.Y.A
Early Hominin
Large mandible
Large sagittal crest
Significant Postorbital constriction

Australopithecus africanus
2 M.Y.A.
Early Hominin
South African
prognathism present
canines reduced in size
diastama no longer showing

Australopithecus afarensis
3 M.Y.A
Early Hominin
parallel dental arcade
large canine cross section
slight diastama
smaller canines

Australopithecus anamensis
4 M.Y.A
Early Hominin
large canines
prognathism present
parallel dental arcade
Ardipithecus ramidus
4-5 M.Y.A
Early Hominin
Smaller face than austra
Smaller brain
foramen magnum placed more forward than in apes

Ortorin Tugenesis
6 M.Y.A
Early Hominin
Sahelanthropus tchadensis
7 M.Y.A
First hominin
Biped- change in foramen magnum
Small braincase
Prognathism present
Large supraorbital torus

Bipeds, make the 2 legged transition
Parallel dental arcades
Prognathism present
Brain the size of Ape due to postorbital constriction
Canine to Molar relationship
as molars become larger, canines became smaller over the span of time
[K9 (l*w) / Molars (l*w)] * 100 = Indexis