Lab 8 Flashcards
Corynebacterium diptheriae
causes diptheria from and the pseudomembrane from the local colonization and tissue damage on the back of the throat as well as forming an exotoxin that disseminated though the body from the site of production.
can cause damage to the myocardium, adrenal cortex or other organs
Diptheria toxoid
purified toxin treated so that it is no longer toxic but remains antigenic
physiological characterisitics of diptheria
gram postive, non-motile, non-sporulating bacili
as common as staph
C dip is thinner and more beaded than diptheroids which are short and thick
=> not reliable for diagnosis
non pathenogenic cornyformes
called siptheroids because they resemble c. diptheriae in microscopic morphology
rods stain irregulary = metachromatic because of the granules inside them
=> give a beaded or clumped apperance in patterns of V’s and Y’s
Growth of cornyforms
in culture, not highly fastidious and grow well aerobically on nutrient media
throat swab to blood agar
loefflers serum
potassium tellurite for isolation
=> blackened colony growth
loeffler’s serum
for isolation of C. diptheria
throat swabs
firm coagulated serum medium with nutrient broth on a slant. enriched for the growth of fastidious organisms
Metabolism of C. diptheria
differentaion of diptheria from other cornyforms based on carb fermentation
toxin production to identify toxogenic strains of c. diptheria
virulence tests by using lil bunny rabbits or with Eleks test (in virto) and antitoxin strips on an agar plate
Haemophilus influenzae
fastidious, small pleomorphic gram neg bacilli.
microaerophilic, and fastidious growth on chocolate agar
normal floral of the upper respiratory tract
leading cause of bacterial meningitis, especially in infants and yound childern.
lab tests for ID of Haemophilus influenzae
throat swab, sinus drainage, sputum, conjuctival swab, spinal fouil, blood etc
Direct smear from psinal fluid or exudate of the eye with rapid and presumptive information
smears from the upper respiratory tract have little value as there is too much junk
latex or co-agglutination antibody tests for haemophilus antigen
what serotype are most serous haemphilus disease caused by
H. influenzae and serogroup b
factors X and V
required by some Haemophilus species
X factor = hemin, is a heat-stable derivative of hemoglobin
V factor is a heat-lable coenzyme (NADH)
=> important suppliment in yeast extract
Staph aureus secreates V factor into the media, and growth depented on SA colonies is called staleitism
=> prgegnation of factor V and X on disks and incubate
Most common diseases aquired through the urinary tract
gonorrhoea, syphilis and chlamydial urethritis
all caused by bacteria, but chlamydiae require techniques for isolation
Gonorrhoea is caused by
neisseria gonorrhoease
many other species are non pathogenic including those of normal flora
syphilis caused by
treponema polidum a spirochete
many other species are non pathogenic including those of normal flora
chlamydia is caused by
chlamydia trachomatis
Neisseria genus
contains two pathogenic species (gonorrhoea and meningitidis)
all are gram negative diplococci indistinguishable with microscopy
pathogens are fastidious CO2 at 35C, non-pathogenic are not fastidious
=> these have a yelow pigment (subflava and flavescens) but most are colourless
all oxidase positive, to differentiate need to look at carbohydrate degredation
begins as a acute local infection of the genital tract.
for males leaad to purulent discharge from the urethra, when this is gram stains shows many ppolymorphonuclear cells which contain intracellular gram negative diplococci
in the female acute infection begins in ther cervix, and smears of this show the same as in males but there more more extraneous organisms. (normal flora may mask the presence of gonococci) thus cultural techniques must be utalized (this can also sometimes occur in males)
an inflammation of the meniges of the brain
=> neisseria meningitidis a gram negative diplococcus.
portal of entry = respiratory tract
systemeatic dissemination and damage in the immunocompromised individual
culturing nessiera
nesseria (gonococcia nd menigococci) are very sensitive to enviromental conditions outside the huaman body, especially to temp and atmosphere
can easily be destroyed in transit to the lab from temp too far above or below 35 C, heavy contamination from normal flora or low CO2 (should be placed in a candle jar)