Lab 8 Flashcards
5 functional cortex
5 Functional types of cortex
- Primary sensory and motor
- unimodal association
- multimodal association
- paralimbic
- limbic
Primary sensory and primary motor cortex parts (x7)
- Primary motor=precentral gyrus, frontal lobe
- primary sensory=post central gyrus, parietal lobe
- primary auditory= superior temporal gyrus, temporal lobe
- Primary visual= banks of calacrine fissure, occipital lobe
- primary olfactory=piriform olfactory
- primary vestibular= posterior deep sylvian fissure where temporal lobe joins insula and parietal lobe
- primary gustatory= inferior part of post-central gyrus
Unimodal association area fct?
processing ONE type of sensory information
Unimodal association areas (x7)
- visual association= most of occipital lobe and part of inferior temporal lobe
- Auditory associatio= superior temporal gyrus (temp lobe)
- Somatosensory association= posterior bank of post-central sulcus (parietal lobe)
- vestibular=uncertain, surround primary vestibular, insula
- motor-anterior precentral, frontal lobe
- gustatory- insula and parts surrounding primary sensory
- olfactory- uncertain, paralimbic zones
Multimodal association cortex parts (x5)
- Prefrontal- mass of cortex in frontal lobe
- posterior parietal= inferiro parietal lobule (with supramarginal and angular gyri), areas posterior to association somatosens
- Lateral temporal cortex= middle temporal gyrus
- Medial parietooccipital gyrus
- Fusiform gyrus
Parts of paralimbic cortex (x5)
Parts of paralimbic cortex (x5)
- Parahippocampal (entorhinal)
- cingulate (with anterior/post extensions)
- posterior orbitofrontal cortex
- temporal lobe
- insula
Limbic cortex parts (x2)
Limbic cortex parts=
- piriform olfactory cortex
- Hippocampus
Cortical histology layers
Cortical histology layers (outer to inner)
- molecular= mostly neuronal processes
- External granular layer- input from and output to other cortical areas
- External pyramidal= input/output from/to other cortical arease
- Internal granular layer- input from thalamus
- internal pyramidal= LARGE neurons to striatum, brainstem and spinal cord
- to thalamus
With the exception of ____, all info enters cortex via?
Olfaction; all other enter via thalamus
Thalamus parts associated with:
- Primary visual
- Primary auditory
- somatosensory
- primary motor
- Limbic system
- prefrontal multimodal
- parietal multimodal
- Occipitoparietotemporal multimodoal
Thalamus parts associated with:
- Primary visual: LGN
- Primary auditory: MGN
- somatosensory: VPM, VPL
- primary motor: VA/VL
- Limbic system: Anterior nucleus
- prefrontal multimodal: MD nucleus
- Parietal multimodal: LP
- Occipitoparietotemporal multimodal: Pulvinar
Markers for
- Retrograde
- Anterograde
- activation markers
- Retrograde= HRP (horse radish peroxidase); fluorescent dyes
- Anterograde= PHAL-L and radioactive amino acids
- activation markers= Fos staining
Left hemisphere associated with?
Broca= cannot make language, understand it
Wernicke= make language, doesn’t make sense
Right Hemisphere associated with? Lesion would cause?
- ATTNETION to mostly left, but also right side
- emotional processing.
- neglect syndrome (on left, opposite of lesion); mild temporary right neglect
- (Left hemisphere can ONLY direct attention to right)
Which cerebral artery would cause the most damage if occluded? Sx?
Where is occlusion most likely?
MCA- lateral cortex supplied, internal structures
Occlusion= unilateral paralysis, sensory loss, and loss of cognition
ICA origin (right after bifurcation from common carotid)= most common place for ebolus
Blood drained via?
Superior and inferior saggital sinus to transverse sinus to internal jugular.
Significance of watershed areas?
At greatest risk for hypoxic/ischemic events. ACA/MCA
- Unimodal association deficit?
- Multimodal deficits?
- prefrontal cortex
- inferior parietal
- selective perceptual deficit w/o general sensory loss
- cognitive/personality defects
- prefrontal= no strategic thinking, conduct issues, personality, emotional integration
- inferior parietal =deficit at directing attention to speicifc target
Whats different about the limbic cortex?
Few and poorly differentiated layers
What are the 5 functional divisions again? whats something special about the histology of each one?
- Primary sensory/motor- motor has large layer V; sensory has large layer IV . Sublamina in some layers
- Unimodal association- 6 layers
- Multimodal association- 6 layers
- paralimbic- core= fewer layers; moving to neocortex, emergence of layer 2 and 4
- limbic-low differentiation, large pyramidal neurons
Lesion to supramarginal gyrus?
Conduction aphasia- disconnection of arcuate fibers that connect Wernicke’s and Broca’s area. Cannot repeat spoken words.
Papez Circuit
Entorhinal cortex ==perforant pathway==>
hippocampal formation ===fornix==>
Mammillary bodies==mammilothalamic tract==>
Cingulate gyrus==cingulum bundle==> entorhinal cortex
Parts of hippocampal formation, layers?
3 layers total
- Dentate gyrus- has granule layer
- Hippocampal gyrus- pyramidal layer
- Subiculum
Cholinergic projectsion to cortex? Function of Ach?
- Sinstantia inominota (basal nucleus of meynert)
- pedunculopontine nucleus (in brainstem)
- Lateral dorsal tegmental nucleus
Ach for REM
4 Major functions of the Limbic System
- Memory and learning
- Emotions
- linking visceral state to mental state
- Perception of pain, smell and touch