Lab 7: Lower Abdomen II Flashcards
What is the trigone derived from embryologically?
Distal ends of mesonephric ducts which are absorbed into the bladder wall.
What slows the movement of feces through the rectum?
Transverse rectal folds
What is the dual venous drainage with the separation being the pectinate line?
Above: Middle and superior rectal veins to the inferior mesenteric vein (portal)
Below: inferior rectal veins to the internal iliac veins (systemic)
Where does lymphatic drainage form the superficial perineal structures go?
Directly to the superficial inguinal nodes then to the external iliac nodes.
Where does the funnel-shaped pelvic diaphragm hang from?
Tendinous arch of obturator internus
What 2 muscles constitute the pelvic diaphragm?
Levator ani
At what level does the abdominal aorta bifurcate?
Where do the common iliac arteries divide into internal and external iliac arteries?
Pelvic brim
What is the obliterated portion of the umbilical artery in an adult?
Medial umbilical ligament
What is the course of Internal Pudendal Artery?
Passes through the greater sciatic foramen, passes over the sacrospinous ligament and through the lesser sciatic foramen into the perineum.
In relation to the piriformis, where does the superior gluteal artery enter the gluteal region
Above piriformis
Where does the superior gluteal artery exit the pelvis?
Between the lumbosacral trunk (L4,5) and S1
What does the uterine artery lie within?
The transverse cervical ligament (aka cardinal ligament) that extends from the supravaginal cervix to the lateral pelvic walls.
What is the direction and angle of the vagina?
Directed posteriorly and superiorly at 40-60 degree angle
What is the angle between the vagina and the uterus?
90 degrees
The normal position of the uterus is anteverted and anteflexed.
At what level does the uterus bend forward on itself?
internal os
What are uterine and vaginal arteries branches of?
Anterior division of the internal iliac artery
What are the perineal arteries branches of?
Internal pudendal
Does the ureter pass over or under the uterine artery?
What is the role of skeletal muscle in the prostate?
propels semen into the penile urethra
What is the role of smooth muscle in the prostate?
prevents urine flow during ejaculation. SO COOL
In females, what do the Mullerian ducts (MDs) become?
vagina and uterus
What zone of the prostate is carcinoma most commonly found in?
Peripheral zone (the part we palpate on rectal exam)
What is normal PSA?
1-4 ng/mL
What are the 3 parts of the male urethra?
A 48 year-old man is undergoing cystoscopic exam. The cystoscope is placed into the penile portion of the urethra. Which of the following tissues surrounds the penile urethra?
A. prostate B. corpus spongiosum C. seminal colliculus D. sphincter urethrae muscles E. pelvic diaphragm
B. Corpus spongiosum
The pectinate line is a landmark for what?
Division of portal vs. systemic venous drainage
The superior gluteal artery exits the pelvis between which of the following structures?
A. coccygeus and levator ani B. Gemellus superior and piriformis C. ischial spine and coccyx D. psoas and the lumbosacral trunk E. S1 and L4/5
E. S1 and L4/5