Lab 7 - heart lab Flashcards
Electrocardiogram. It’s the same thing as an EMG except with the heart instead of skeletal muscle.
Human heartbeat:
P wave - atrial depolarization
QRS complex - atrial repolarization (smol) and ventricular depolarization (BIG)
T wave - ventricular repolarization
Initiation of heart contraction occurs where?
Myocardial cells
ANS can directly influence heart rate.
ACh from vagus nerve slows heart.
Epinephrine from adrenal glands speeds it.
Baroreceptor reflex:
Keeps central arterial blood pressure high enough for metabolic activities but low enough to avoid rupture from vessels or excess fluid leakage from the capillaries.
Diving bradycardia:
Thermo/mechanoreceptors in the face activate survival mode. Vasoconstriction occurs, which raises central arterial blood pressure dangerously. Heart rate is slowed to avoid danger.
How is increased heart rate accomplished?
More beats per time (T-P), faster cycle time (P-T)
Experiment 1: exercise and heart rate
Measure heartbeat pattern and pulse amp. Exercise. Repeat step 1.
Phys sig, experiment 1:
Heart rate increases, pulse decreases (because blood is going to the legs).
Experiment 2: dive
Measure heart rate and pulse amp. Face in water. Recover.
Heart rate (beats/min) equation:
(60 seconds/minute) / (seconds/beat)
Calibrating pulse plethysmograph is timeconsuming, so it’s incorrectly in mV.
Phys sig, experiment 2:
Pulse decreases (blood goes to heart and brain). Overrides need for air and stimulates parasymp, releasing ACh from vagus nerve to drop heart rate. After the dive, pulse increases past normal because ACh gets used up and vasodilation occurs.