Lab 5 - Inflammation, Tissue regeneration & repair Flashcards
fluid in the CV system
fluid portion of the blood in which particulate components (proteins) are suspended
cellular free portion of blood from which fibrinogen has been separated
liquid that passes through a filter (i.e. renal filtrate -> urine)
Ultrafiltrate of blood plasma that has passes from BV into tissues due to a change in hydrostatic pressure (passive movement through a filter system)
Protein-rick fluid, often contain inflammatory cells & cellular debris (active process with many components -> exuding things like pus), result of inflammation
Different types
Purulent = pus/dead neutrophils
Fibrinous =fibrin & fibrinogen
Serous (Tb) low protein, resembles serum
5 cardinal signs of inflammation
Dolor Pain Calor Heat Rubor Redness Tumor Swelling Functio laesa Loss of Function
Granulation Tissue
- new CT (fibrblasts) with tiny BV that form on surfaces of wounds during the healing process
- Grows from basal to apical
- Results in scarring
Type of chronic inflammation; immune system attempts to wall off substances that it perceives as foreign but unable to eliminate
Defined by histiocytes and macrophages that fuse to form giant cells (Langhans giant cell)
Primary Intention
Sutured/glued together -> re-approximated
Minimized scarring
Secondary Intention
Avulsion/burn/DC Ulcers/wound packed with gauze or drainage system
Broader scarring
Slower process due to presence of drainage/infection – need wound care
Allowed granulation tissue to form
Out of control scarring
Overgrowth of granulation tissue (collagen III)
vs. Hypertrophic scars:
raised scars that do not go beyond the boundaries of the original wound
C-reactive protein Test
Nonspecific, just means there is an inflammatory process going on
ESR (Erythrosedimentation rate)
Nonspecific, rate that RBC settle
-elevated = increase in proteins in the plasma 8,000-10,000 - involves
Leukocyte Count
Elevated WBC = Incudes Neutrophils, lymphocytes, monocytes, eosinophils, basophils
SPEP (Serum Protein Electrophoresis)
Increased a-1 & a-2