Lab 4 - Neurophysiology studied in humans Flashcards
Describe the reflex pathway for the quadriceps stretch reflex
Muscle spindles (stretch receptors) are stimulated when the quadriceps muscle is stretched. Signal is sent via afferent fibres to the spinal cord. Information is processed at the level of the spinal cord and via an interneuron, the signal causes the actiavtion of motor neurons to extensor muscle and inhibits motor neurons to the flexor muscles to prevent overstretching
Reciprocal innervation meaning?
Describes muscles existing as anatagonistic pairs with contraction of one muscle producing forces opposite to those generated by the contraction of the other (agonist and antagonist)
What is the role of the antagonist flexor muscles in the quadriceps stretch reflex
Prevent overstretching by relacing
What are the functions of the stretch reflex? Why does it need to be rapid?
Protects the inhibited anatgonist muscles from being injured from excessive overstretching (therefore circuit that skips the brain and occurs at the level of the spinal cord)
Compound potential
If an electrical impulse is used to stimulate a nerve that innervates a muscle, a compound potential can be recorded from the muscle, which is the result of synchronised depolarisation of a large number of fibres in that muscle, such a response is called a wave
in this lab see two different waves called M and H wave and also see the T-reflex
M wave means=
M wave …
Motor - is a compount muscle action potential that results from direct stimulation of the motor nerve innervating that muscle
H wave means =
H wave…
Reflex - is a compound muscle action potential that is a monosynaptic reflex response to sensory nerve stimulation
T-reflex …
is a compound muscle action potential that is a monosynaptic reflex response to tendon-jerk i.e. muscle spindle stretch
Excitation contraction coupling =
cross bridge cycling =
mechanical (from calcium onwards)
When we increase the strength of voluntary movements:
- There is Increased recruitment of motor units occurs…
- Therefore, increased numbers of muscle fibers activated…
- So, increased electrical activity along muscle…
- Resulting in increased EMG amplitude
- What are the physiological processes that generate the electrical EMG waves?
Electromyogram (EMG): recording of electrical activity generated at skeletal muscle (currents flowing along sarcolemma during action potentials)
Motor unit
1 alpha motor neuron with all the fibres it innervates
- How are electrical events that generate the EMG waves related to the mechanical events that generate ‘twitches’?
• Electrical events (generate EMG waves)... • Local depolarisation of sarcolemma (End-plate potential- EPP) • Action potential along sarcolemma and down T-tubule • ...lead to release of Ca2+ to initiate cross- bridge formation • Mechanical events (physical twitches) • Cross-bridge formation & cycling to create tension
Was there significant difference in conduction velocity between males and females?
no significant different in conduction velocity between female and male
What factors determine conduction velocity in axons?
• Diameter (larger diameter = faster conduction)
• Myelination (more myelination = faster
Explain why nerve conduction velocity should be determined using two stimulation sites and not one?
• Want to determine fastest velocity along ulnar
nerve only
• At the muscle, the process slows down: • axons branch/get smaller • neuromuscular transmission at the NMJ • generation of end-plate potential on the sarcolemma
would record NMJ in hand which would show as slower than the electrical energy in the nerve
Monosynaptic stretch reflex
stretching a muscle also stretches muscle spindles and activates sensory axons, which synapse directly onto, and stimulate alpha motor neurons in the spinal cord. Action potentials generated in the motor neurons propagate along their axons to the muscle, where contraction is evoked. This is the classic monosynaptic stretch reflex
- Induced with muscle stretch • Reproducible
- Quick
What factors determine the latency of the T-reflex in the soleus muscle?
- Path length (height) e.g. longer legs vs shorter legs
- Axon myelination (demyelination leads to slower reflexes which is what happens for diabetics )
- Axon diameter
Astronauts and soleus muscle experiment
done on returning astronauts - reflex arc becomes weaker and nerves change
used for presercation of muscles and reflex arcs, to prepare them for coming back to earth (stimulate them artificially)
stimulation and recording sites and the direction that the action potentials travel on the following diagram.
APs propagate in BOTH directions in recruited axons
At threshold voltage:
• 1a sensory axons tend to be recruited first
• Motor neurons are activated via Hoffmann
Reflex which is similar to T-reflex but induced by direct stimulation of sensory axons, not muscle spindle stretch
• H-waves on EMG (muscle innervation via reflex path)
As voltage increases:
• M-waves begin to appear when some motor axons are directly stimulated.
• H-wave amplitude increases when more sensory axons are recruited, which will stimulate more motor neurons via reflex arc
Note: directly stimulated motor neurons are in refractory period so won’t fire again via reflex arc
At highest voltage (100V):
• M-wave amplitude at maximum when all site motor axons are directly stimulated
• H-wave amplitude disappears when all motor axons are refractory
H wave disappears when
all motor neurons are refractory
AP propagates in both directions in recruited axons… elaborate….
axons cannot control direction so when stimulated fire both ways
The reason why the H wave disappears first is due to refractory periods - so the acon sending H waves cannot activate the synapse since the other axon sending the M wave is in its absolute (or relative) refractory period
Can get both waves because some axons will be in refractory
think of it like a race, voltage increases, M wave faster than H wave
M wave vs H wave and propagation of APs
M wave has a shorter distance
M direct stimulation of muscle so shorter latency, M as max when all recruited and all motor in refractory
H wave - sensory neurons signal goes to synapse and activates the motor neuron to get a response, initially these at lower voltage due to large diameter meaning they can send the signal
increasing voltage, M wave because more become activated - more and more axons are going into refractory
Diabetes mellitus
A group of metabolic diseases resulting in high blood glucose
Diabetic Peripheral Neuropathy: nerve damage due to diabetes
Burning, tingling, numbness, pain in periphery
Weakness/swelling in peripheral joints
Suspected causes of nerve damage in diabetes mellitus are chronic…
- high blood glucose (hyperglycemia)
- damage to blood vessels (reduced blood flow to nerves)
- inflammation
- low insulin levels/insulin insensitivity
- high adipose levels
Would the conduction velocity in Mr DPN’s tibial nerve be affected by his diabetes? Explain.
Yes, conduction velocity will be reduced, possibly due to consequences of hyperglycemia…
• Metabolic factors
• E.g. Altered Na+/K+ ATPase activity
• Nerve damage
• E.g. Inflammation from pro-inflammatory immune cells causes damage
to nerve tissue
- Myelin abnormalities
- E.g. Demyelination – insufficient current to depolarise at next node of Ranvier (action potential fails)
can affect autonomic which innervates enteric nervous system therefore a range of gut problems can arise
Will the strength of Mr DPN’s stretch reflex, activated by tapping the Achilles tendon, be affected by his diabetes? Explain.
- Yes, weaker response because fewer sensory axons and motor units would be recruited (lower reflex amplitude) and longer latency due to…
- Nerve damage
- Myelin abnormalities
yes weaker and slower due to loss of myelin and damaged axons
What would you expect to see if you recorded M and H-waves from Mr DPN’s soleus muscle?
- Lower amplitude of M-waves and H-waves and longer latency, compared with a healthy individual (or pre-diabetic recordings taken from Mr DPN).
- Same reasons as above