Lab 4 Flashcards
Apicomplexans I
What 4 organisms do we need to know for Apicomplexans 1?
Eimeria tenella, Sarcocystis spp, Toxoplasma gondii, Cryptosporidium parvum
Toxoplasma gondii causes what?
Cryptosporidium parvum causes what?
All Apicomplexans contain an apical complex that consists of 5 things:
polar ring, subpellicular tubules, conoid, rhoptries, micronemes
When does the apical complex disappear?
After host cell penetration
Apical complex plays a role in __________
host cell penetration
Most apicomplexans have ___________ reproduction
both sexual and asexual reproduction
Which kinds of life cycles are found in apicomplexans?
both direct and indirect
(multiple fission) asexual reproduction in which multiple mitoses take place followed by simultaneous cytokinesis resulting in many daughter cells at once
(schizogony) multiple fission produces many daughter cells called merozoites
daughter cells produced from merogony which will asexually reproduce more merozoites
the cell that undergoes merogony. It will contain many merozoites.
merozoites or trophozoites maturing to form gametocysts
will produce female gametes “macrogametes”
will produce male gametes “microgametes” (only flagellated stage in this group)
zygote undergoes multiple fission to produce sporozoites
daughter cell produced during sporogony. An infective stage
produced by fusion of macrogamete and microgamete
the cystic form resulting from sporogony. Contains sporozoites, has resistant membrane secreted around it in some species and lacks the resistant membrane in others
An oocyst is NOT THE SAME THING AS A ________
fusion of male and female gametes to produce a zygote
internal budding but no cytokinesis
The parasitic niche of Coccideans is…
the GI tract and associated organs (liver, kidney, blood)
Coccideans alternate between __________ reproduction
sexual and asexual
The three phases in the life cycle are:
Merogony, Gametogony, Sporogony
_________ occur within host cell
merogony and gametogony
__________ occur outside the host in soil or litter
All apicomplexans in this lab are in the class ________
The infective stage of these organisms is the:
The sporozoite resides in very resistant spores called:
Eimeria oocysts have ____ sporocysts containing ____ sporozoites each.
Isospora oocysts have ____ sporocysts containing ____ sporozoites each.
You cannot distinguish between Eimeria and Isospora oocysts until:
they are sporulated
Eimeria spp are economically important parasites in ________
domestic animals
Eimeria development within host is ________.
They are host specific/non-specific? and within host, are/are not tissue specific?
- intracellular
- specific
- are
Can immunity occur with Eimeria?
Yes, but if immunity develops, it is only partial
Eimeria tenella:
Host =
Niche =
Mechanism of Pathogenesis in host =
GI tract
necrosis of cecal epithelium
Chickens of what age are most susceptible to Eimeria tenella?
young chickens
Is there a treatment for Eimeria tenella?
None once infection is established
What is added to commercial chicken feeds and why?
coccidostats to prevent infection with Eimeria tenella
Eimeria tenella infections in chickens are _______ (asexual reproduction does not continue indefinitely)
self limiting
If a chicken survives primary tenella infection, may have ________
partial immunity
Concurrent infections can occur with other Eimeria spp. In other words:
infection with one species actually seems to enhance infection with a second species
tenella transmission occurs from:
ingestion of sporozoite within sporulated oocysts in soil/litter
Upon tenella ingestion in chickens, sporulated oocysts release ______ into ______. These penetrate _______ to become ______
- sporozoites into small intestine
- epithelial cells of cecum
- trophozoites
tenella trophozoites in intestinal epithelium becomes a first generation _______, undergoing ________ to produce _________
- schizont (meront)
- schizogony (merogony, multiple fission)
- many daughter cells called “merozoites”