Lab 3: Animal training Flashcards
what is operant conditioning?
Positive (adding)
Negative (removing)
Reinforcement (increase behaviour)
Punishment (decrease behaviour)
Positive reinforcement: ↑ frequency by adding something good
negative reinforcement: ↑ frequency by removing something aversive
positive punishment: ↓ frequency by adding something aversive
negative punishment: ↓ frequency by removing something good
Training basics
-Define your desired outcome and come up with a plan to get there
-Start with reward every time, slowly reduce how often or replace
-Only pair with with command/cue once animal understands what is expected
-Gradual proofing - start in quiet, undisturbed area and slowly increase distraction
-Don’t do too much at one - multiple short sessions, lots of breaks
what is clicker training? how does it work?
Based on classical conditioning
● Click marks reward is coming
Charge the clicker - associate with reward
● Click immediately prior to food reward, repeat until association formed
Click at the exact moment when the correct behaviour occurs, then follow up with a treat
● Faster than fumbling for treat
what is luring?
Using rewards (food) to physically encourage a correct behaviour
● Sit - push reward up over dogs’ head
● Down - lower food to the ground
● Come - step back and draw hands towards abdomen
● Heel - hold reward at hip
People can sometimes have trouble fading out the lure
what is capturing?
rewarding a desired behaviour when it happens naturally
what is targetting?
Train to touch a target for rewards
Use the target to move animal in desired ways
what is shaping?
Training a complex behaviour by rewarding successive approximations
● Start with rewards for behaviours that are close or can be built on
● Don’t associate command or cue until behaviour is complete
Often used for behaviours that don’t occur naturally
what are the steps for desensitization and counterconditioning?
Step 1 - Identify fear threshold and train client to identify signs
Step 2 - Develop a clear gradient for exposure
● Intensity, duration, distance
Step 3 - DS & CC by client using gradient
● Progress to next step when animal is calm
● Repeat and increase over multiple sessions
Explain plus provide client with detailed written instructions