Lab 3 Flashcards
Functions of soil microbes
-Decomposition of organic materials and the release of carbon, nitrogen and other nutrients to support plant growth.
Nitrogen is fixed by what bacteria?
Diazotrophic bacteria
Diazotrophic bacteria
-Nitrogen is fixed by these bacteria that are either free living (Azotobacteria) or in symbiotic assosiation with plants (Rhizobium)
Abundance of microorganisms
-2 basic approaches to enumarating bacteria that are grouped into direct or indirect methods
Direct Methods
- Direct Microscopic counting (Petroff-Hausser Counting Chaamber)
- Electronic particle counters (Coulter counter)
Indirect methods
- Membrane filtration
- Most probable number (MPN) Method
- Viable plate counts (Standard plate count)
- Other methods
Direct microscopic counting
- Petroff-Hausser Counting Chamber
- A dilution of the cell suspension is placed on a special slide with a grid etched into its surface
- The grid has a SA of 0.1mm^2 and after a cover is placed over the suspension the volume of 0.1mm^3
- The number of microogranisms in this small volume is counted under a microscope and extrapolated to determine a total number in the population.
Disadvantages of the direct microscopic counting
- Extra particles in the material (soil) makes it difficult to see microbes
- Dead and alive bacteria cannot be differentiated
- If the cell suspension contains less that 10^6/ml dilution the cells cannot be counted
Electronic particle counters
- Coulter counter
- Based on the property of electricity
- Used to count cells in suspensions that are free of extraneous matters and is often used to count larger eukaryotic cells such as red and white blood cells
Membrane filtration
https: //
- Go through the semi permeable membrane with an aid of a vacuum and the cells that are larger than the pore size of the membrane get trapped on the surface.
- Then the membrane is placed on the surface nutrient and incubated until colonies are formed on the membrane surface.
- Then they can be counted
Most probably number (MPN) method
- statistical way of estimating the number of microorganisms in samples that cointain extraneous materials and it is used to count bacteria in water for POTABILITY testing.
- This method assumes bacteria are randomly distributed and if one or more cells are present they will elicit a positive response or grow.
Viable plate counts (STANDARD PLATE COUNT)
0nly live cells are counted and the method is the ability of cells to grow on or in a solid medium to produce visible colonies that can be counted.
two methods are of viable plate counts
- spread plate count
2. Pour plate count
Spread plate count
-smaller known volume is spread on the surface in the prepoured medium.
Pour plate count
-slightly larger volume (1.0mL) of the sample is pipetted into a sterile petri plate, then a molten agar medium is mixed in with the sample and allowed to solidify.