Lab 29 - 33 Photos Flashcards
Label A
Palpebral conjunctiva
Label B
Bulbar conjunctiva
Label C
3rd eyelid (nicitating membrane)
Label D
Ventral fornix
Label A
Nicitating membrane
Label A
Tapetum lucidum
Label A
Optic Disc
Label A
Tapetum lucidum
Label A
Label B
Label B
Retractor bulbi m.
Label B
Label B
Label B
Tapetum lucidum
Label A
Vitreous humor
Label B
Label C
Dorsal fornix
Label C
Levator superioris m.
Label D
Palpebral conjunctiva
Label A
Biteral canthus
Label B
Medial canthus
Label C
Cilia (eyelash)
Label D
Palpebral fissure
Label A
Palpebral conjunctiva
Label B
Superior palpebrae
Label C
Inferior palpebrae
Label D
Both Palpebrae
Label E
3rd eyelid (nicitating membrane)
Label A
Anterior chamber
Label B
Posterior chamber
Label C
Aqueous humor
Label D
Vitrious humor
Label E
Label F
Label G
Optic disc (“Blind sport”)
Label A
Tentorium cerebelli
Label B
Label C
Tympanic membrane
Label D
Tympanic bulla
Label E
Septum of the tympanic bulla
Label A
Tympanic bullar
Label B
External acoustic meatus
Label C
Inner ear
Label A
External acoustic meatus
Label B
Marginal cutaneous sac
Label C
Label A
Marginal cutaneous sac
Label B
Label C
Auricular cartilage
Label A
Palatoglossal fold
Label B
Hypoglossal n.
Label C
Lingual n.
Label A
Superior & inferior lips
Label B
Label A
Label B
Superior lobial frenulum
Label A
Buccal vestibule
Label B
Labial vestibule
Label C
Central oral cavity
Label D
Sublingual caruncle
Label A
Label A
Label A
Incisive papilla
Label B
Hard palate w/ palatine ridges