Lab 2 - Region, Muscles, Action, Innervation Flashcards
Which muscles belong to the Cranial Crural Region, and what are their actions & innervation?
Muscles in this group:
- Cranial Tibial m.: Hock Flexor (Fibular n.)
- Long Digital Extensor m.: Hock Flexor, Digit Extensor (Fibular n.)
- Fibularis Longus m.: Hock Flexor (Fibular n.)
- Lateral Digital Extensor m.: Hock Flexor, Digit Extensor (Fibular n.)
Which muscles belong to the Caudal Crural Region, and what are their actions & innervation?
Muscles in this group:
- Gastrocnemius m.: Hock Extensor, Stifle Flexor (Tibial n.)
- Deep Digital Flexor m.: Hock Extensor, Digital Flexor (Tibial n.)
- Superficial Digital Flexor m.: Hock Extensor, Digital Flexor (Tibial n.)
Which muscles belong to the Deep Caudal Crural Region, and what are their actions & innervation?
Muscles in this group:
- Popliteus m.: Crus Medial Rotator, Stifle Flexor (Tibial n.)
Which muscles belong to the Gluteal Region, and what are their actions & innervation?
Muscles in this group:
- Tensor Fasciae Latae m.: Hip Flexor, Limb Abductor, Tenses Fascia Lata (Gluteal n.)
- Superficial Gluteal m.: Hip Extensor (Gluteal n.)
- Middle Gluteal m.: Hip Extensor (Gluteal n.)
- Deep Gluteal m.: Hip Extensor (Gluteal n.)
Which muscles belong to the Caudal Femoral Region, and what are their actions & innervation?
Muscles in this group:
- Biceps Femoris m.: Hip Extensor, Stifle Flexor, Stifle Extensor, Hock Extensor (Sciatic n.)
- Semitendinosus m.: Hip Extensor, Stifle Flexor, Hock Extensor (Sciatic n.)
- Semimembranosus m.: Hip Extensor, Stifle Flexor (Sciatic n.)
Which muscles belong to the Deep Hip Region, and what are their actions & innervation?
Muscles in this group:
- Gemelli m.: Lateral Hip Rotator (Sciatic n.)
- Internal Obturator m.: Lateral Hip Rotator (Sciatic n.)
- Quadratus Femoris m.: Lateral Hip Rotator (Sciatic n.)
Which muscles belong to the Cranial Femoral Region, and what are their actions & innervation?
Muscles in this group:
- Quadriceps Femoris m.: Stifle Extension (Femoral n.)
- Vastus Lateralis m.: Stifle Extension (Femoral n.)
- Vastus Medialis m.: Stifle Extension (Femoral n.)
- Vastus Intermedius m.: Stifle Extension (Femoral n.)
- Cranial Sartorius m.: Stifle Extension (Femoral n.)
- Rectus Femoris m.: Hip Flexor, Stifle Extension (Femoral n.)
Which muscles belong to the Deep Cranial Femoral Region, and what are their actions & innervation?
Muscles in this group:
- Iliopsoas m.: Hip Flexor (Femoral n., Lumbar Spinal n.)
Which muscles belong to the Medial Femoral Region, and what are their actions & innervation?
Muscles in this group:
- Pectineus m.: Adduct Hip (Obturator n.)
- Adductor m.: Adduct Hip (Obturator n.)
- Gracilis m.: Adduct Hip (Obturator n.)
- External Obturator m.: Outward Hip Rotator (Obturator n.)
What is the action & innervation of Cranial Tibial m.?
Action(s): Hock Flexor
Innervation: Fibular n.
What is the action & innervation of Long Digital Extensor m.?
Action(s): Hock Flexor, Digit Extensor
Innervation: Fibular n.
What is the action & innervation of Fibularis Longus m.?
Action(s): Hock Flexor
Innervation: Fibular n.
What is the action & innervation of Lateral Digital Extensor m.?
Action(s): Hock Flexor, Digit Extensor
Innervation: Fibular n.
What is the action & innervation of Gastrocnemius m.?
Action(s): Hock Extensor, Stifle Flexor
Innervation: Tibial n.
What is the action & innervation of Deep Digital Flexor m.?
Action(s): Hock Extensor, Digital Flexor
Innervation: Tibial n.
What is the action & innervation of Superficial Digital Flexor m.?
Action(s): Hock Extensor, Digital Flexor
Innervation: Tibial n.
What is the action & innervation of Popliteus m.?
Action(s): Crus Medial Rotator, Stifle Flexor
Innervation: Tibial n.
What is the action & innervation of Tensor Fasciae Latae m.?
Action(s): Hip Flexor, Limb Abductor, Tenses Fascia Lata
Innervation: Gluteal n.
What is the action & innervation of Superficial Gluteal m.?
Action(s): Hip Extensor
Innervation: Gluteal n.
What is the action & innervation of Middle Gluteal m.?
Action(s): Hip Extensor
Innervation: Gluteal n.
What is the action & innervation of Deep Gluteal m.?
Action(s): Hip Extensor
Innervation: Gluteal n.
What is the action & innervation of Biceps Femoris m.?
Action(s): Hip Extensor, Stifle Flexor, Stifle Extensor, Hock Extensor
Innervation: Sciatic n.
What is the action & innervation of Semitendinosus m.?
Action(s): Hip Extensor, Stifle Flexor, Hock Extensor
Innervation: Sciatic n.
What is the action & innervation of Semimembranosus m.?
Action(s): Hip Extensor, Stifle Flexor
Innervation: Sciatic n.
What is the action & innervation of Gemelli m.?
Action(s): Lateral Hip Rotator
Innervation: Sciatic n.
What is the action & innervation of Internal Obturator m.?
Action(s): Lateral Hip Rotator
Innervation: Sciatic n.
What is the action & innervation of Quadratus Femoris m.?
Action(s): Lateral Hip Rotator
Innervation: Sciatic n.
What is the action & innervation of Quadriceps Femoris m.?
Action(s): Stifle Extension
Innervation: Femoral n.
What is the action & innervation of Vastus Lateralis m.?
Action(s): Stifle Extension
Innervation: Femoral n.
What is the action & innervation of Vastus Medialis m.?
Action(s): Stifle Extension
Innervation: Femoral n.
What is the action & innervation of Vastus Intermedius m.?
Action(s): Stifle Extension
Innervation: Femoral n.
What is the action & innervation of Cranial Sartorius m.?
Action(s): Stifle Extension
Innervation: Femoral n.
What is the action & innervation of Rectus Femoris m.?
Action(s): Hip Flexor, Stifle Extension
Innervation: Femoral n.
What is the action & innervation of Iliopsoas m.?
Action(s): Hip Flexor
Innervation: Femoral n., Lumbar Spinal n.
What is the action & innervation of Pectineus m.?
Action(s): Adduct Hip
Innervation: Obturator n.
What is the action & innervation of Adductor m.?
Action(s): Adduct Hip
Innervation: Obturator n.
What is the action & innervation of Gracilis m.?
Action(s): Adduct Hip
Innervation: Obturator n.
What is the action & innervation of External Obturator m.?
Action(s): Outward Hip Rotator
Innervation: Obturator n.
Which muscle is innervated by Fibular n. and performs Hock Flexor?
Muscle: Cranial Tibial m.
Which muscle is innervated by Fibular n. and performs Hock Flexor, Digit Extensor?
Muscle: Long Digital Extensor m.
Which muscle is innervated by Fibular n. and performs Hock Flexor?
Muscle: Fibularis Longus m.
Which muscle is innervated by Fibular n. and performs Hock Flexor, Digit Extensor?
Muscle: Lateral Digital Extensor m.
Which muscle is innervated by Tibial n. and performs Hock Extensor, Stifle Flexor?
Muscle: Gastrocnemius m.
Which muscle is innervated by Tibial n. and performs Hock Extensor, Digital Flexor?
Muscle: Deep Digital Flexor m.
Which muscle is innervated by Tibial n. and performs Hock Extensor, Digital Flexor?
Muscle: Superficial Digital Flexor m.
Which muscle is innervated by Tibial n. and performs Crus Medial Rotator, Stifle Flexor?
Muscle: Popliteus m.
Which muscle is innervated by Gluteal n. and performs Hip Flexor, Limb Abductor, Tenses Fascia Lata?
Muscle: Tensor Fasciae Latae m.
Which muscle is innervated by Gluteal n. and performs Hip Extensor?
Muscle: Superficial Gluteal m.
Which muscle is innervated by Gluteal n. and performs Hip Extensor?
Muscle: Middle Gluteal m.
Which muscle is innervated by Gluteal n. and performs Hip Extensor?
Muscle: Deep Gluteal m.
Which muscle is innervated by Sciatic n. and performs Hip Extensor, Stifle Flexor, Stifle Extensor, Hock Extensor?
Muscle: Biceps Femoris m.
Which muscle is innervated by Sciatic n. and performs Hip Extensor, Stifle Flexor, Hock Extensor?
Muscle: Semitendinosus m.
Which muscle is innervated by Sciatic n. and performs Hip Extensor, Stifle Flexor?
Muscle: Semimembranosus m.
Which muscle is innervated by Sciatic n. and performs Lateral Hip Rotator?
Muscle: Gemelli m.
Which muscle is innervated by Sciatic n. and performs Lateral Hip Rotator?
Muscle: Internal Obturator m.
Which muscle is innervated by Sciatic n. and performs Lateral Hip Rotator?
Muscle: Quadratus Femoris m.
Which muscle is innervated by Femoral n. and performs Stifle Extension?
Muscle: Quadriceps Femoris m.
Which muscle is innervated by Femoral n. and performs Stifle Extension?
Muscle: Vastus Lateralis m.
Which muscle is innervated by Femoral n. and performs Stifle Extension?
Muscle: Vastus Medialis m.
Which muscle is innervated by Femoral n. and performs Stifle Extension?
Muscle: Vastus Intermedius m.
Which muscle is innervated by Femoral n. and performs Stifle Extension?
Muscle: Cranial Sartorius m.
Which muscle is innervated by Femoral n. and performs Hip Flexor, Stifle Extension?
Muscle: Rectus Femoris m.
Which muscle is innervated by Femoral n., Lumbar Spinal n. and performs Hip Flexor?
Muscle: Iliopsoas m.
Which muscle is innervated by Obturator n. and performs Adduct Hip?
Muscle: Pectineus m.
Which muscle is innervated by Obturator n. and performs Adduct Hip?
Muscle: Adductor m.
Which muscle is innervated by Obturator n. and performs Adduct Hip?
Muscle: Gracilis m.
Which muscle is innervated by Obturator n. and performs Outward Hip Rotator?
Muscle: External Obturator m.
What is the action & innervation of Caudal Sartorius m.?
Action(s): Stifle Flexor
Innervation: Femoral n.
Which muscle is innervated by Femoral n. and performs Stifle Flexion?
Muscle: Caudal Sartorius m.
What is the action & innervation of Caudal Sartorius m.?
Action(s): Stifle Flexor
Innervation: Femoral n.
Which muscle is innervated by Femoral n. and performs Stifle Flexion?
Muscle: Caudal Sartorius m.