Lab #2: Axial Skeleton and Associated Muscles Flashcards
Mature bone cells derived from osteoblasts that have become entrapped in the matrix they secreted. They reside in small spaces within the matrix called lacunae. Osteocytes maintain the bone matrix and detect mechanical stress on a bone. This info is communicated to osteoblasts, and may result in the deposition of new bone matrix at the surface.
Osteon (Harversian System)
A cylindrical osteon is the basic functional and structural unit of mature compact bone. Osteons run parallel to the diaphysis of the long bone. An osteon is a 3D structure that has several components.
Central Canal
A cylindrical channel that lies in the center of the osteon. Traveling in the central canal are blood vessels and nerves that supply the bone.
Concentric Namellae
Rings of bone connective tissue that surround the central canal and form the bulk of the osteon. The numbers of concentric lamellae vary among osteons. Each lamella contains collagen fibers oriented in one direction; adjacent lamellae contain collagen fibers oriented in alternating directions. In other words, if one lamella has collagen fibers directed superiorly and to the right, the next lamella will have collagen fibers directed superiorly and to the left. This alternating collagen fiber direction gives bone part of its strength and resilience.
Tiny, interconnecting channels within the bone connective tissue that extend from each lacuna, travel through the lamellae, and connect to other lacunae and the central canal. Canaliculi house osteocyte cytoplasmic projections that permit intercellular contact and communication. Thus, nutrients, minerals, gases, and wastes can travel through these passagewats between the central canal and the osteocytes.
Perforating Canals
Or volkmann canals. Resemble central canals in that they also contain blood vessels and nerves. However, they run perpendicular to the central canals and help connect multiple central canals, thus creating a vascular and innervation connection among the multiple osteons.
Interstitial Lamellae
Leftover parts of osteons that have been partially resorbed. They often look like a “bite” has been taken out of them. The interstitial lamellae are imcomplete and typically have no central canal.
With the exception of the mandible, the bones of the skull articulate with each other through joints known as sutures.
Throughout the skill, holes known as foramina serve as passageways for blood vessels and nerves.
Surface Skull Bones
Bones on surface of the skull encase the brain, protect sensory organs, and serve as attachment sites for the muscles of the head and neck. These bones include the occipital bone, parietal bones, temporal bones, and the frontal bone, as well as the nasal bones, the zygomatic bones, the maxilla, and the mandible.
Human Skull Makeup
8 Cranial Bones that surround and protect the brain. 14 facial bones that form the underlying structure of the face and support for the teeth.
Sphenoid Bone
The sphenoid bone makes up the anterior base of the cranium. It is a butterfly shaped bone with a central body and two pairs of laterally projecting wings. These wings form portions of the orbit.
The body of the sphenoid features a depression known as the sella turcica, which houses the pituitary gland.
Ethmoid Bone
Located between the orbits, the ethmoid bone makes up a portion of the cranial floor and also the roof of the nasal cavity. An inferior projection, the perpendicular plate of the ethmoid bone forms part of the nasal septum.
The crista galli projects superiorly from the ethmoid bone and serves as the attachment point for the falx cerebri - a dural fold. Extending laterally from the crista galli is the cribriform plate, a perforated area through which the olfactory nerves pass.
Palatine Bones
Two L-shaped bones that form the posterior third of the hard palate, part of the nasal cavity, and a portion of the orbit. The small, thin lacrimal bones make up the anterior portion of the medial wall of each orbit.
Lacrimal Groove
Helps to form the nasolacrimal canal, which contains a duct that allows tears to travel to the nasal cavity. The vomer is an elongated plow-shaped bone that forms the inferior and posterior part of the nasal septum.
Vertebral Column
Composed of 26 bones, including 24 individual vertebrae and the fused vertebrae that form both the sacrum and the coccyx. Each vertebra (except the first and the last) articulates with one superior and inferior vertebra.
Several functions:
- Providing vertical support for the body.
- Supporting the weight of the head.
- Helping to maintain upright body position.
- Helping transfer axial skeletal weight to the appendicular skeleton of the lower limbs.
- Housing and protecting the delicate spinal cord.
- Providing a passageway for spinal nerves that connect to the spinal cord.
Cervical Vertebrae
(C1-C7) From the bones of the neck. The first cervical vertebra (C1) articulates superiorly with the occipital condyles of the occipital bone of the skull. The seventh cervical vertebra (C7) articulates inferiorly with the first thoracic vertebra.
Thoracic Vertebrae
(T1-T12) Form the superior regions of the back, and each articulates laterally with one or two pairs of ribs. The twelfth thoracic vertebra articulates inferiorly with the first lumbar vertebra.
Lumbar Vertebrae
(L1-L5) Form the inferior concave region (“small”) of the back; L5 articulates inferiorly with the sacrum.
Formed from five sacral vertebrae (S1-S5), which fuse into a single bony structure by the mid to late 20s. The sacrum articulates with L5 superiorly and with the first coccygeal vertebra inferiorly. In addition, the sacrum articulates laterally witht he two ossa coxae.
Commonly called the tailbone. Formed from four coccygral vertebrae (Co1-Co4) that start to unite during puberty. The first coccygral vertebra (Co1) articulates with the inferior end of the sacrum. When a person is much older, the coccyx may also fuse to the sacrum.
Body (Centrum)
The anterior region of each vertebra is a rounded or cylindrical body, also called a centrum, which is the weight bearing structure of almost all vertebra.
Vertebral Foramen
Posterior to the vertebral body is the vertebral arch, also called the neural arch. The vertebral arch and body together enclose a roughly circular opening called the vertebral foramen.
Spinous Process
Projects posteriorly from the right and left laminae. Most of these spinous processes can be palpated through the skin of the back.
Transverse Process
Lateral projections on both sides of the vertebral arch.
Intervertebral Discs
The vertebral bodies are interconnected by ligaments. Adjacent vertebral bodies are separated by pads of fibrocartilage called the intervertebral discs. Intervertebral discs are composed of an outer ring of fibrocartilage, called the anulus fibrosus, and an inner circular region, called the nucleus pulposus.
Transverse Foramina
The transverse processes of the first six, sometimes seventh, cervical vertebrae are unique in that they contain prominent, round transverse foramina, which provide a protective bony passageway for the vertebral arteries and veins supplying the brain.
Atlas (C1)
The first cervical vertebra. Supports the head via its articulation with the occipital condyles of the occipital bone. This vertebra is named for the Greek mythological figure Atlas, who carried the world on his shoulders.
The articulation between the occipital condyles and the atlas, called the atlanto-occipital joint, permits us to nod our heads.
The atlas is distinguished from other vertebrae by lack of a body and a spinous process. Instead, the atlas has lateral masses that are connected by semicircular anterior and posterior arches, each containing slight protuberances, the anterior and posterior tubercles.
The atlas has depressed, oval superior articular facets that articulate with the occipital condyles of the skull. The atlas also has inferior articular facets that articulate with the superior articular facets of the axis.
Finally, the atlas has an articular facet for dens on its anterior arch where it articulates with the dens of the axis.
Axis (C2)
During development, the body of the atlas fuses to the body of the second vertebra, called the axis. This fusion produces the most distinctive feature of the axis, the prominent dens, or odontoid (odont = tooth) process. The dens rests in the articular facet for dens of the atlas, where it’s held in place by a transverse ligament. The dens acts as a pivot for the rotation of both the atlas and the skull. This articulation between the atlas and axis, called the atlantoaxial joint, permits us to shake our heads “no”.
Because both the dens and the spinal cord occupy the vertebral foramen at the level of the axis, any trauma that dislocates the dens often results in severe injury. For example, an impact to the head of even severe shaking of a child can dislocate the dens and cause severe damage to the spinal cord. In an adult, a severe blow at or near the base of the skull is often equally dangerous because dislocation of the atlantoaxial joint can force the dens into the base of the brain, with fatal results.
Fiberstructures composed of dense connective regular tissue. Connects muscles to bones.
Muscle attachment on side of the bone that remains relatively stationary.
Muscle attachment point on the side of the bone that’s more mobile.
Fibrous Joint
Occurs where bones are held together by dense regular (fibrous) connective tissue.
Cartilaginous Joint
Occurs where bones are joined by cartilage.
Synovial Joint
Has a fluid-filled joint cavity that separates the cartilage-covered articulating surfaces of the bones. The articulating surfaces are enclosed within a capsule, and the bones are also joined by various ligaments.
Immobile joint.
Slightly mobile joint.
Freely mobile joint.
Decreases the angle of a joint.
Increases the angle of or straightens a joint. Hyperextension is beyond straightening.
Elevation of the toes.
Plantar Flexion
Movement of the foot so that toes are going downward. Standing on tiptoes.
Movement in frontal plane away from the midline of body.
Movement in frontal plane towards the midline of body.
A sequence of movements in which the proximal end of an appendage remains relatively stationary where the distal end makes a circular motion. The resulting movement makes a imaginary cone shape.
A pivoting motion in which a bone turns on its own logitudinal axis. Rotational movement occurs at the atlantoaxial joint, which pivots when you rotate your head to gesture no.
The medial rotation of the forearm so that the palm of the hand is directed posteriorly or inferiorly. The radius and ulna are corssed to form an X.
Occurs when the forearm rotates laterally so that the palm faces anteriorly or superiorly, and the radius is parallel with the ulna. In the anatomic position, the forearm is supinated.
Humans vs. Cats: Masseter
In human, it runs from zygomatic arch to the mandible. Crosses over temporal mandibular joint. In cheek region of face.
In cat, it’s a prominent facial muscle that also crosses over to the lower jaw. Both anatomically and functionally similar to human one. Both involved in chewing.
Humans vs. Cats: Sternocleidomastoid
In humans, has two origins. Manubrium and the sternal end of clavicle. Insertion is mastoid process. Humans have two. Unilateral action is lateral flexion and rotation of head to opposite side. Bilateral action is flexion of neck.
Cat has two separately named muscles. Sternomastoid (origin is sternum) and cleidomastoid (origin is clavicle). Functionally similar.
Humans vs. Cats: Pectoral Muscles
Functionally similar in humans and cats, but anatomical differences exist.
Pectoralis Major and minor are named from their size in humans. Major is larger and superficial while minor is smaller and deeper. In cat, minor is the larger muscle.
Cats also have two additional muscles in this region humans don’t have. Pectobrachialis (origin is pectoral region, inserts on antibrachialis, the forearm) and xiphihumeralis (originates on xiphoid process of sternum, inserts up in the arm of the humerus).
Humans vs. Cats: Trapezius
Superficial muscle of the back. Actions similar in both.
In humans, it’s a large kite-shaped muscle.
In cat, it’s present as a group of three muscles. Clavotrapezius, acromiotrapezius, and spinotrapezius.
Occipital Condyles
Occipital bone. Articulates with zygomatic bone to form zygomatic arch.
Mastoid Process
Temporal bone. Attachment site of some neck muscles to extend or rotate head.
Madibular Fossa
Temporal bone. Articulates with mandible.
Zygomatic Process
Temporal bone. Articulates with zygomatic bone to form zygomatic arch.
Greater Wings
Sphenoid Bone. Form part of middle cranial fossa and orbit.
Lesser Wings
Sphenoid Bone. Form part of anterior cranial fossa; contain optic canal.
Crista Galli
Ethmoid bone. Attachment site for cranial dural septa to help stabilize brain within skull.
Cribiform Plate
Ethmoid bone. Horizontal and lateral to each side of the crista galli. Has numerous perforations called the cribriform foramina.
Facial Bones
Give shape and individuality to the face, form part of the orbit and nasal cavities, support the teeth, and provide for the attachment of muscles involved in facial expression and mastication. 14 facial bones.
Two bones. Incisive and infraorbital foramen. Each forms anterior portion of face; forms upper jaw and parts of the hard palate, inferior parts of orbits, and part of the walls of nasal cavity.
Two bones. Each forms the cheek and lateral part of the orbit.
Two bones. Each forms part of the medial wall of the orbit.
Two bones. Each forms the anterosuperior bridge of the nose.
Forms the lower jaw.
Two bones, greater and lesser palatine foramina. Each forms posterior part of hard palate; forms small part of nasal cavity and orbit wall.
Coronal Suture
Extends across the superior surface of the skill along a coronal plane. It represents the articulation between the anterior frontal bone and the more posterior parietal bones.
Lambdoid Suture
Extends like an arc across the posterior surface of the skull, articulating with the parietal bones and the occipital bone. It’s named for the Greek letter “lambda” with its shape resembles.
Sagittal Suture
Extends between the superior midlines of the coronal and lambdoid sutures. It’s in the midline of the cranium (along the midsagittal plane) and is the articulation between the right and left parietal bones.
Squamous Suture
On each side of the skull articulates the temporal bone and the parietal bone of that side. The squamous (flat) part of the temporal bone typically “overlaps” the parietal bone.
Auditory Ossicles
Three tiny ear bones. Housed within the petrous part of each temporal bone. Malleus, incus, and stapes.
Hyroid Bone
A slender, curved bone located inferior to the skull between the mandible and the larynx (voice box). Doesn’t articulate with any other bone in the body.
Foramen Magnum
Largest foramen. The spinal cord enters the cranial cavity through it. On either side of the are the rounded occipital condyles, which articulate with the vertebral column.
Jungular Foramen
Space between the temporal and occipital bones. The entrance to the carotid canal is anteromedial to the jungular foramen.
A flat bone that forms in the anterior midline of the thoracic wall. Its shape has been likened to that of a sword. Composed of the manubrium, the body, and the xiphoid process.
The widest and most superior protion of the sternum. Two clavicular notches articulate the sternum with the left and right clavicles. The shallow superior indentation between the clacivular notches is called the suprasternal notch. A single pair of costal notches represent articulations for the first ribs’ costal cartilages.
Body (Sternum)
Longest part of the sternum and forms its bulk. Individual costal cartilages from ribs 2-7 are attached to the body at indented articular costal notches. The body and the manubrium articulate at the sternal angle, a horizontal ridge that may be palpated under the skin. The sternal angle is an important landmark in that the costal cartilages of the second ribs attach there; thus, it may be used to count the ribs.
Xiphoid Process
Represents the very tip of the “sword blade.” This small, inferiorly pointed projection is cartilaginous and often doesn’t ossify until after age 40. The connection of the xiphoid process to the body of the sternum may be broken by an impact of strong pressure. The resulting internal projection of bone can severely damage the heart or liver.
True Ribs
Ribs 1-7. True ribs connect individually to the sternum by separate cartilaginous extensions called costal cartilages. Smallest true rib is the first.
False Ribs
Ribs 8-12. Their costal cartilages do not attach directly to the sternum. The costal cartilages or ribs 8-10 fuse to the costal cartilage of rib 7 and thus indirectly articulate with the sternum. The last two pairs of ribs are called floating ribs because there’s no connection with the sternum.
O: temporal bone
I: mandible (coronoid process) closes jaw (elevates mandible)
O: maxilla, zygomatic arch
I: mandible
closes jaw (elevates and retracts mandible)
Cat Muscle: Masseter (superficial)
Action: elevates mandibular ramus
O: lower mandible, mastoid process of skull (chin)
I: hyoid
open mouth (lowers mandible), elevates & holds hyoid during speech and swallowing
Cat Muscle: Digastric
Action: depresses the lower jaw
O: manubrium of sternum and clavicle (medial portion)
I: mastoid process of skull
if one side is contracted, rotates/tilts head sideways– “obliques” skull – tilt same side/turn opposite side; if both sides contracted, draws head forward and down; flexes neck
Cat Muscle: Sternomastoid (superficial) & Cleidomastoid (deep)
Action: turns head
Mylohyoid (superficial)
Cat muscle. raises floor of mouth
Cat muscle. draws hyoid posteriorly
O: spinous process of C7 and all thoracic vertebrae, occipital bone of skull
I: clavicle; acromion process and spine of scapula
elevates, depresses, and retracts scapula; both acting together, draw head dorsally (backward)
Cat Muscle: Clavotrapezius
Action: draws scapula craniodorsal
Cat M#2: Acromiotrapezius
Action: draws scapula dorsal
Cat M#3: Spinotrapezius
Action: draws scapula dorsal
Cat muscle, turns or raises head.
O: infraspinous fossa of scapula
I: greater tubercle of humerus
lateral rotation of shoulder (humerus); horizontal adduction of humerus [shoulder]
Cat Muscle: Infraspinatus (deep)
Action: Extends arm
O: supraspinous fossa of scapula
I: greater tubercle of humerus
abduction ofshoulder(humerus); stabilizes shoulder joint
Cat Muscle: Supraspinatus (deep)
Action: Rotates humerus outward
Latissimus Dorsi
O: spinous processes of thoracic, lumbar vertebrae, sacrum and iliac crest (it actually arises from the lumbar aponeurosis)
I: intertubercular groove of humerus
adducts and extendsshoulder (humerus); rotates shoulder (humerus), draws shoulder down and backward
Cat Muscle: Latissimus Dorsi
Action: Pulls arm caudodorsal
Cat muscle, adducts forelimb.
Pectoralis Major
O: sternum, clavicle, costal cartilage of 1st-6th ribs and rectus sheath
I: greater tubercle of humerus
flexion, adduction and medial rotation of shoulder (humerus)
Cat Muscle: Pectoralis major
Action: adducts forelimb
Cat M#2: Pectoralis Minor
Action: Adducts forelimb
Cat muscle, adducts forelimb.