Lab Flashcards
PA Chest- SID, CR, IR
T7 (thumb to finger space)
14x17 Lengthwise (unless big chest)
PA Chest- Position, Technique, Breathing
Erect, chin raised, hands on hips, shoulders rotated forward
115 KVP @ 3 MAS
Bigger chest 115 KVP @ 6 MAS
Hold on 2nd breath
Lateral Chest- SID, CR, IR
T7 (thumb to finger space)- look for ear/armpit
14x17 Lengthwise (unless big chest)
Lateral Chest- Position, Technique, Breathing
Left side against bucky (unless hurt on right), arms above head with elbows in, chin up
115 KVP @ 6 MAS
Bigger chest 115 KVP @ 10
Hold on 2nd breath
Portable Chest- SID, CR, IR
T7 add 5 degrees
14x17 lengthwise (unless big chest)
Portable Chest- Position, Technique, Breathing
Arms at side, light 1-1.5” above shoulder
110 KVP @ 8 MAS
Hold on 2nd breath
Decub Chest- SID, CR, IR
14x17 lengthwise to patient (looks crosswise to us)
Decub Chest- Position, Technique, Breathing
Lying on side, chin up, arms above head, back against bucky
110 KVP @ 4 MAS
Hold on 2nd breath
Chest Wheelchair/Cart Lateral- SID, CR, IR
T7- ear/armpit lined
14x17 lengthwise (unless big chest)
Chest Wheelchair/Cart Lateral- Position, Technique, Breathing
Arms over head, chin up, sponge, move to front and against bucky, railing/arm rests down
115 KVP @ 6 MAS
Chest Wheelchair/Cart AP-SID, CR, IR
T7, 5 degree tilt
14x17 lengthwise
Pediatric Chest AP/PA-SID, CR, IR
72” (arm length)
eyeball nipple line
10x12 no grid
Pediatric Chest AP/PA-Position, Technique, Breathing
arms over head, chin up, shield raised
65 KVP @ 3 MAS
Watching for breathing/crying
Pediatric Chest Lateral- SID, CR, IR
72” (arm length)
Eyeball nipple line
10x12 no grid
Pediatric Chest Lateral- Position, Technique, Breathing
Arms over head, chin up, shield
65 KVP @ 5 MAS
Watching for breathing/crying