Lab Flashcards
Ptosis (toe sis)
Drooping of the face (stroke patients)
Assess for Head tremors
Any shakes in head or face, (Parkinson’s, stroke)
Assess for Extremities tremors
Any shaking of the hands bilaterally.
Sense sensation
Upper extremity-4
Lower extremity-4
Tactile discrimination
Eyes closed, place object it their hand and identify
Point finger up and down
Eyes closed, draw number and letter on both hands
Occluded one nose at a time and ask patient to sniff
Close eyes and identify the smell
Optic (C2)
Confrontation: When they see fingers wiggle, (Cover one eye at a time)
Snellen chart-20 ft away (one eye at a time)
Perrla (C2,3)
State: equal, round
Reactive to light
Consensual-hand on nose light in one eye, observe other eye (constrict-Brisk)
Pupil size
Ocular motors (CN3, trochlear C4, abducens C6
Check H eye movement
Trigeminal (C5)
Palpate temporal masseter muscles
Clench teeth
Separate by pushing down on chin
Sharp or dull (cotton ball vs sharp end)
Facial (C7)
Closes eyes tightly (attempt to opening them)
Lift eyebrows
Show teeth
Puff cheeks
Tense neck muscles (bilaterally)
Acoustic (C8)
Whisper 3 words 2ft behind with one ear occluded
Glossopharyngeal (gloss o far rineal)
(C9) Vagus (C10)
Don’t do. But would press tongue with blade and have them say ahhh and check for:
Uvula-palate rise in midline
Poster pharyngeal wall-gag relex
Sound of voice- not strained
Spinal accessory (C11)
Symmetry of sternomastoid and trapezius muscles
Rotate head against force
Shrug shoulders
Hypoglossal (C12)
Inspect tongue- no tremors, midline
Say light, tight, dynamite
Plantar reflex
“Positive Babinski”
Perform DTR
4-point scale
Patella-knee with flat hammer head
Romberg test
Feet together, hands at side, close eyes for 20 seconds
Check for imbalance, swaying
Rapid movement
Quickly slap and flip hands on thighs
Finger on nose and touch nurses finger
Pronator drift test
Feet together, arms out. Close eyes for 20 seconds
Push down on arm and see response
Gait- get up and walk
Health history
Mental status
Place, time, situation