Lab 12: Cerebellum Flashcards
Input via the inferior cerebellar peduncle
- vestibular receptors
- body surface and muscle receptors
- inferior olivary nucleus
Input via the middle cerebellar peduncles
- widespread areas of the cerebral cortex, after a synapse in pontine nuclei
- Outflow reaches the upper motor neuron systems via the superior cerebellar peduncle
Outflow via the Superior Cerebellar Peduncle
- Cerebral cortex, especially the SMA, after a synapse in the thalamus
- the red nucleus
Outflow via the Inferior Cerebellar Peduncle
-fibers from the cerebellum travel to brainstem upper motor neurons (vestibular nuclei, reticular nuclei)
Overview of the Intrinsic connections of the Cerebellum
axons that enter the cerebellum as climbing fibers from inferior olivary nuclei or mossy fibers from all other input terminate in the:
- cerebellar cortex
- deep nuclei of the cerebellum
Impulse transmission within the cerebellar cortex includes:
- termination of climbing fibers on Purkinje cell dendrites and deep cerebellar nuclei
- termination of mossy fibers on granule cells and deep nuclei
- ascent of granule cell axons as parallel fibers in the molecular layer
- termination of parallel fibers on Purkinje cells
- descent of Purkinje cell axons to deep cerebellar nuclei
Gross Anatomy of the Cerebellum
- major regions: vermis (midline region) and hemispheres (lateral)
- foldings of cerebellar cortex: folia (elevations like gyri) and fissures (depressions like sulci)
Anterior Lobe of the cerebellum
- anterior to primary fissure
- hard to find except on sagittal surface
Posterior lobe of the cerebellum
Most of cerebellum posterior to the primary fissure
Tonsil: part of the cerebellar hemisphere that extends close to the midline; can herniated through the foramen magnum as a result of increased intracranial pressure
Flocculonodular Lobe of the Cerebellum
Nodule (nodules): vermal part
Flocculus: hemispheric part; found laterally, near the VIIth and VIIIth cranial nerves and the lateral aperture or foramen of Luschka, indicated grossly by the presence of choroid plexus
Gross connections of the cerebellum with the brainstem
Superior cerebellar peduncle: cerebellum to midbrain
Middle Cerebellar peduncle: cerebellum to pons
Inferior cerebellar peduncle: cerebellum to medulla
Flocculonodular lobe; important for balance and eye movements
Vermis (median zone) and medial hemisphere (intermediate zone)
-important fort adjustments for smooth movement of proximal (median zone) and distal limb (paramedian zone)
-lateral hemisphere or zone: involved in motor planning
Fastigial Nucleus
Adjacent to midline; receives fibers from vestibulocerebellum and vermis of the spinocerebellum
Interposed Nuclei
-receive fibers from the paramedian zone of the spinocerebellum