Lab 10 Flashcards
Pericare with catheter tips
Almost exactly the same
Step 1 - wash around meatus and catheter, then 10 cm of catheter
Never go back and forth, only outward
Health assessment is:
Examination through health history and physical examination
Health assessments are holistic, this means
They include info about the emotional, intellectual, physical, psychosocial, spiritual, and cultural dimensions
Social and cultural considerations
Culture influences a patients behaviour
Assess use of complementary therapies
Avoid stereotyping
Purposes of physical examination
To gather baseline data
To supplement, confirm, of refute data
To identify diagnosis
Make clinical judgements
To evaluate outcomes of care
What is the best source of information in a physical examination
Always the client
Gathering a health history
The collection of health history and physical examination data that required patience and attention to detail
Should be oriented to client, not disease
Skills of a physical assessment (in order)
Inspection (including olfaction)
Auscultation (not just use of stethoscope, non
invasive listening)
- feeling
- tapping to get a sound
- last resort, not used often
- see, hear, smell
- all surfaces must be visible
- compare one side of the body to the other
- alcohol, urine, BO, feces, halitosis, sweetness
Listening to sounds
- use of stethoscope (sometimes)
- frequency, loudness, quality, duration
Requires concentration and practice
Use of hands to touch patient
- assess for tenderness, distension, and masses
- distinguish temps, texture, and movement
Make sure nails are short and hands aren’t cold
Start with light Palpation and end with deeper Palpation
Tender areas palpated last
Patient is tapped with fingertips to produce vibration
Sound indicated location, size, and density of structures
Prep for an examination
Infection control
Physical prep of client
Psychological prep of client
Assessment of age groups
Prep for exam - infection control
Hand hygiene before and after
Standard precautions
PPE used as needed
Prep for exam - environment
Privacy, good lighting
Prep for exam
Must check all equipment for proper functioning
Prep for exam - physical prep of client
Clothing, collection of specimens, positioning
Prep for exam - psychological prep of client
Explanation of purpose and steps of assessment, check for comfort, calm professional approach
Prep for exam - assessment of age groups
Gathering history form parent for children, ask open ended questions, treating people as adults
Abdominal assessment steps (4)
Percussion (if needed)
(Look listen feel percuss)
Constant gurgling of the bowels
Hyperactive, indicated increased GI motility
Could be from inflammation, bleeding, anxiety, diarrhea, etc
Best time to auscultate the abdomen
Between meals
How does a Palpation test come back positive
If the patient feels pain at the release of deep Palpation
Called rebound tenderness
Pap test
Used to detect cervical cancer
Who should be screened for cervical cancer
Women over 25