Lab 10 Flashcards
Proteins or glycoproteins on the extracellular side of the cell membrane are
Antigens that are coded in an individual’s DNA are called
Self antigens
Antigens that are not coded for in the DNA are called ______ And elicit an immune response
Foreign antigens
These are activated when a foreign antigen enters the body. They will bind two and mark the foreign antigen for destruction (two names)
Antibodies = immunoglobulins
When antibodies bind two antigens on erythrocytes the blood cells clumped together in a process called
Lack of blood flow is called
Low oxygen is called
The substance being clumped in an agglutination reaction is called
The substance causing clumping in the agglutination process is called
Fluid containing antibodies is called
O+ blood can receive
O+ O-
A+ blood can receive
O+ A+ O- A-
B+ blood can receive
O+ B+ O- B-
AB + blood can receive
Everything it’s the universal recipient
A- blood can receive
O- A-
B- blood can receive
O- B-
AB- blood can receive
O- A- B- AB-
Cell death is called
What type of blood classification is based off of A B & O antigens
ABO classification system
In which component of the blood (plasma or formed elements) are antibodies located?
Which blood type is a universal donor and why
O blood type. It has no foreign antigens to initiate antibodies
Which blood type is the universal recipient and why
AB+ has a, b antigens and O is the universal donor
This blood type classification is based on the presence or absence of the rhesus antigen / Factor
Rh classification system
The mother’s antibodies for Rh factor can cross the placenta bind to and destroy the fetus’s erythrocytes in this condition
Erythroblastosis fetalis or hemolytic disease of the newborn (hdn)
Each individual inherits two genes or _____
for the antigens, one for each parent
A two allele combination make up the _____
Proteins and glucose are found in this major component of blood
Erythrocytes, leukocytes and thrombocytes make up this major component of blood
Cellular elements
Blood type is based on the presence of antigens on these cells
Antibodies fall into this subcategory of plasma
When antibodies bind antigens on red blood cells, the cells will clumped together. This clumping is called
If when testing blood type clumping occurs with anti-d (RH ) an anti-a the blood type is
Someone with blood type B has these antibodies
When testing for the Rh factor the blood cells will clump only if the blood is _____ (positive and negative)
The Rh factor may only be of concern if the fetus is Rh _____ (positive or negative)
What are the possible genotypes for someone with type O blood
What is the name of the hormone that stimulates red blood cell production
Having low hemoglobin or red blood cell count is called
List the possible combinations of genotypes that would make it possible for person with type A and A person with type B blood to produce a child with type O blood
1 parent: A,O
2 parent: B,O
Antibodies fall into this biomolecule class
Glucose and proteins are found in this portion of the blood
Erythrocytes leukocytes and thrombocytes make up this portion of the blood
Formed (cellular) elements
Based on the ABO system someone with type B blood will have these antibodies
A antibodies
When testing for the Rh factor the blood cells will clump only if the blood is Rh _____
The Rh factor is only of concern if the fetus is Rh ______ and the mother is the opposite
What is the blood type if the blood agglutinated for A and Rh but not B
These are proteins are glycoproteins that can stimulate an immune response
These are proteins produced by B lymphocytes that bind to antigens
If ______ antigens elicit an immune response it is called an autoimmune disorder
The clumping of cells caused by the interactions of antigens and antibodies is called
If the RH antigen is absent is referred to as RH _____
If a student in class has blood cells clumping when the blood was exposed to antibodies A and B only this would be the blood type
Someone with type O blood would have these antigens
Neither A nor B
The universal donor has this blood type
If the blood of a mother and fetus who have opposite RH blood types have their blood mixed stimulating an immune response in the mother this condition could develop
Erythroblastosis fetalis
If a mother is type B negative and the father is O+ what would the offspring’s blood type be? List all
B+ O+ O- B-
what is the blood type for each sample?

Sample #1 A-
Sample #2 B-
Sample #3 AB-
Sample #4 O-
Identify the possible combinations of genotypes that would make it possible for person one with type A blood and person to with type B produce a child with type O blood select all of the possible genotypes for the parents
A,O & B,O
If the mother has blood type A- and the child is B+ what blood type would the father be? select all options
B+ AB+
When a Foreign Antigen is introduced into the body what happens?
The immune system will produce Antibodies or Immunoglobulins
Close to 20% of transfusion of incorrect Blood Type with 50mL or Less end in Death
True or False
The average transfusion is 1.4 Liters (3 pints) someone receiving this amount has little chance of survial
True or False
When you lack the Gene for an Antigen what happens?
It will be considered Foreign and the Immune System will produce an Antibopdy for it
What is the name when fluid accumulates?
What is the name of the medication that the mother has to get to aviod Eythroblastosis Fetalis?
What is Bloods main purpose?
To Transport and Distrubute oxygen, Nutrients, Hormones and Waste Products
What are Aplha Globulins?
Transport proteins that bind to Lipds, fat souluble, vitamins, & metals.
They are made in the Liver
What are Albumins?
A protein made in the Liver and maintains Osmotic Pressure
What are Beta Globulins?
Made in the Liver
Balance Osmotic pressure between blood and surrounding tissues
Transports Ions and Lipids
What are Gamma Globulin Antibodies?
Are released by Plasma Cells during a Immune Response
What is Hemostasis?
the bodies process of stopping bleeding
What do Fibrogen Proteins do?
They help to form blood clots and stop bleeding
What is Hemophiolia?
They bleed longer
They can not make a Fibrin Clot
Cells in the body have Plasma Membrane with specialized Glycoprotein Markers, called what?
what is Coagulation mean?
Clumping of the blood
RBC have specialized Antigens on them, what are they called?
(they activate Antibodies)