Lab 1: Digestive System and Body Cavities (Rat Dissection) Flashcards
How is orientation conducted?
via Relative positioning
How do you orientate a rat?
Anterior = forward (in front) Posterior = behind Dorsal = top (like a fin) Ventral= beneath (belly-side)
Looking at the rat head facing us
Medial = towards Midline
Lateral= away from midline
How do you orientate humans?
Humans are UPRIGHT Anterior= ventral Posterior= dorsal Superior= towards the head (cranial) Inferior= towards the tail/feet (caudal) Meidal and lateral also applicable to humans (ears to our nose)
What is a rat?
Rattus Norvegicus Albinus
example of a generalised mammal, showing digestive systems and body cavities
Fully grown (300grams) at 6-8 months
Lifespan 3 years
What are the features of a rat?
- 2x front incisors which are developed and sharp. Chisel shaped. Adapted for Gnawing. Gap between incisors= variable, and can be changed at will. No canines.
Anterior of teeth= covered with enamel. Posterior= no enamel.
Lower jaw (mandible) in 2x pieces , hinged in the middle. - have Whiskers called= Vibrissae, which are TACTILE organs for sense/fell without sight in darkness
- Nostrils called=nares and can open/close, which prevents water from entering when rats are in water
- Tail is a BALANCING organ for balance
- Pentadactyl like human, have 5 digits on their paws
What are the rats body cavities?
3x different major body cavities
- Peritoneal cavity (gut)
- Pericardial cavity (heart)
- Two Pleural cavities (1 per lung)
What are the features of the gut wall?
- Layer of Parietal Peritoneum Lines the body wall, including Abdominal Wall of the Gut
- Visceral Peritoneum is the layer in contact with the organs
- B/w 2x layers is the Peritoneal Cavity/Space, where there is ONLY SEROUS FLUID (no organs)
- serous fluid is a Thin film which acts as a Lubricant to let the gut wall move around w/o causing Friction against the abdominal wall. Wet slippery surface. rubbing together of Organs = INFLAMMATION.
- Serous Membrane = Thin layer of MESOthelial cells, which SECRETE serous fluid.
- (other cavities are lined in a similar way, & serous fluid serves the same purpose (pericardial cavity, prevents friction of heart and Thoracic cavity when the heart Beats))
- in the peritoneum, MESENTERY SUSPENDS the organs, holing them IN PLACE at the Dorsal body wall. Mesentery is a Double layer of Peritoneum, and the visceral peritoneum and parietal peritoneum are CONTINUOUS with one another. FANS out. is a TRANSLUCENT and SLIPPERY layer.
What does the Thoracic cavity contain?
OTTHL oesophagus trachea thymus heart lungs
What does the Abdominal cavity contain?
SSSPLLiC stomach small intestine spleen pancreas large intestine liver caecum
What is the diaphragm?
the physical barrier between the Abdominal and Thoracic cavity
What does the human Dorsal Body Cavity and Ventral Body Cavity consist of?
Dorsal= Cranial(brain) + Vertebral(spinal cord) Ventral= Thoracic(heart&lungs) + Diaphragm + Abdominal(digestive viscera) + Pelvic (bladder&repro.organs&rectum)
What are the lungs of a rat like?
Rats killed with CO2 gas, due to Haemorrhage from Small Blood Vessels in the lungs
Both lungs are likely to be Dark Red(Blood Filled)
Normally healthy Pink colour and Spongy
What is the heart of a rat like?
Dissect rat lying on its back
Head = Anterior (In front of the heart)
Being heart = Posterior
Anterior end of the heart ‘base’ can see the THYMUS Gland. part of the Lymphatic system, role in formation of T-lymphocytes.
What is the blood supply to the Gut like?
Aorta carries blood away From the heart
Various Branches of blood vessels from the Aorta, which supply Organs of the body
a. Coeliac Artery = supplies Foregut
b. Superior Mesenteric Artery = supplies Mid gut
c. Inferior Mesenteric Artery= supplies Hind gut
What is the sequential order of the Digestive system?
Mouth–> Oesophagus –> Stomach –> Small Intestine –> Large intestine
What is the sequential order of the Small Intestine in the Digestive system?
Small Intestine is Segmented in order into the DJI
Duodenum –> Jejunum –> ileum
Duodenum is the closest to the stomach
What is the sequential order of the Large Intestine in the Digestive system?
Large intestine is Segmented in order into the CC(ATD)RA
Caecum –> Colon (1. Ascending 2. Transverse 3. Descending) –> Rectum –> Anus
Whites the gut tube of a rat like?
- Convoluted in order to be long (5x Body Length)
- Increases SA for the ABSORPTION and SECRETION everywhere Downstream Oesophagus
- gut contains:
a. 3x Tubular portions = Oesophagus, Small intestine, Large Intestine
b. 2x sacs = Stomach & Caecum - SECRETION occurs in the 2x Large GLANDS (Liver & Pancreas). are Developed Embryologically From the Gut LINING and are ACCESSORY Organs along with the Teeth, Tongue and Salivary Glands
What is the gut categorised into?
3x Tubular = Oesophagus, Small Intestine, Large Intestine
2x Sacs = stomach , caecum
2x Large Gands = Liver, Pancreas (secretion) (embryologically from gut lining)
5x Accessory Organs = secretion = Liver, Pancreas, Teeth, Tongue, Salivary Glands (LPTTS)
What is the role of the Oesophagus?
- responsible for Rapid Transport of the food Bolus from the Mouth –> Stomach
- Some Voluntary control = Skeletal Muscle = Swallowing
but Peristalsis = Smooth muscle = Involuntary control - Oesophagus travels from the Throat –> Thoracic Cavity
- Oesophagus is Dorsal to the Heart and Lungs to the Diaphragm
What is the positioning of the Oesophagus?
Oesophagus is Dorsal to the Heart and Lungs to the Diaphragm What is the positioning of the Stomach? Rat Stomach is: Posterior(behind) to the Oesophagus Anterior(forward) to the Gut Tract
What is the role of the stomach?
- stomach is Posterior to the Oesophagus and Anterior to the Gut Tract
- Curved organ - has 1x side which is More Medial to the other (other side is on the Left side)(lies mostly on the Left side)
- stomach’s Smaller curved side = Lesser Curvature= formerly Ventral surface
stomachs Larger curved side = more Lateral = Greater Curvature = formerly Dorsal surface
What is the Rat Stomach Comprised of?
- Anterior Lateral Region =
Thin + Translucent, used for Food Storage, Stratified Squamous cells, No glands - Posterior Medial Region (Pyloric region)=
Glandular + Opaque, contains glands which secrete Enzymes, Acid and Mucous to Aid digestion. this is because the PYLORIC SPHINCTER connects the S.I. to –> the Stomach. this is Smooth muscle the Opens/Closes to Control the passage of CHYME(digested food) through to –> the First portion for the gut tract (Duodenum). This is Involuntary Muscle.
What connects the stomach to the S.I.?
Pyloric Sphincter
connects the small intestine and stomach
is smooth muscle (involuntary)
opens and closes to Control passage of Chyme (digested for) through to –> the Duodenum (1st portion of gut tract)
What is the role of the Small Intestine?
- main function of the S.I. = Absorption of Small molecules resulting from Digestion
- Tube of Uniform diameter
- about 4x body lengths from Inlet–> to Outlet
- 3x regions (DJI) Duodenum –> Jejunum –> ileum
- lifting up the coils, they are attach to the DORSAL body walls by a transparent MESENTERY which is a Double layer (2x) of VISCERAL Peritoneum
- Opening of the Duodenum receives A. Chyme from Stomach B. Bile from Liver C. Pancreatic Juices from Pancreas
- Blood supply of the S.I. involves blood vessels which Fan out through the Mesentery to Supply and Drain the Intestinal Wall.
- a. Arteries= Carry HP + O blood TO the Intestinal wall and are 2x branches of the Dorsal Aorta (Coeliac artery and Superior Mesenteric artery).
- b. Veins= DRAIN DEO, Nutrient Rich blood From the wall and are Tributaries of the HEPATIC Portal VEIN which lead to the LIVER
What does the Blood Supply of the Small intestine comprise?
Blood vessels which Fan out through the Mesentery, and supply and drain the Intestinal wall
a. Arteries = Carry HP + O blood TO the intestinal wall, and are the 2x branches of the Dorsal Aorta (Coeliac Artery and superior Mesenteric Artery)
b. Veins = Drain DEO + Nutrient Rich blood From the wall, and are TRIButaries of the HEPATIC Portal VEIN which lead to the LIVER
What is the role of the large intestine?
separated into 4x sections Caecum –> Colon –> Rectum –> Anus
Main function is to REABsorb water from Digested foods. as more water is Reabsorbed, harder faeces result from the Undigested Food Residue.
Bacteria contributes to the Putrification (deterioration or decay) of this material
What is the role of the caecum?
Caecum Immediately follows the Small Intestine
Rat caecum contains BACTERIA that produces CELLULASE enzymes which Digest Cellulose
Humans have an APPENDIX called a VERMIFORM organ, which Terminates at the CAECUM and is a LYMPHOID organ (part of the lymphatic system)
Rats DONT have a true Vermiform Appendix (don’t have an appendix at all) or GallBladders
What is the role of the Colon?
Colon is part of the Large Intestine which STORES faeces.
Split into 3x sections, similar to human colon (ATD)(Ascending, Transverse, Descending)
Rat colon ISNT as perfectly orientated as its human counterpart
Faeces will move through the colon in a certain direction
1. Ascending - moves up the RIGHT side of the rat body in an ANTERIOR direction. Here the faeces are Upstream and are SEMI-firm
2. Transverse - travels ACROSS the body
3. Descending - moves down the LEFT side of the rate body in a POSTERIOR direction. the faeces are DOWNSTREAM and are more SOLID as WATEr has been REABSORBED.
What is the function of the Rectum and Anus?
Rectum and Anus are Sites of Excretion
1. Rectum= Short passage leading up to the Anal outlet. Stores faeces prior to excretion.
2. Anus is under Partial Voluntary control.
the anus has 2x Sphincters. Sphincters are segments of Muscle that can Open/close which allows Faeces to be VOIDED(discharged)
a. Internal INvoluntary sphincter is made of Smooth muscle and will Relax when you Secrete Faeces
b. External voluntary Sphincter is made of Skeletal Muscle
What is the role of the Liver?
Hepatic = Liver
Liver is the Largest Gland of the body.
Function concerned with Metabolic Regulation and bile Production
composed of 4x Lobes
Dark red due to DUAL Vascular blood supply 1. Hepatic Artery (connected to coeliac artery) 2. Hepatic Portal Vein
Hepatic portal vein is a Portal system which carries DEO blood from the GUT–> LIVER
Portal system/vein transfers blood between Capillary beds(lots of capillaries) WITHOUT going to the Heart First
Functionally the Liver is BOTH an Endocrine and Exocrine gland, like the pancreas.
1. Exocrine: Secretes BILE. which is made of EXCRETORY PROducts, involved in DIGESTIVE process as Bile Salts aid digestion and ABSORPTION by EMULSIFICATION of Fats and Vitamins. Humans have a Gallbladder to STORE BILE before discharging into the duodenum, whereas rats DONT have a gallbladder.
2. Endocrine: Secretes HORMONES
What is the role of the Pancreas?
Pancreas sits just UNDER the Great curvature of the Stomach (near the spleen)
feather shaped (looks like Scattered Pink Lobules)
supported by the Mesentery (held in place)
found more Medial, towards the Duodenum.
Rat pancreas is MORE DIFFUSE than human pancreas
Like the liver, pancreas is also Dual purpose as an Endocrine and Exocrine organ
1. Exocrine: secretes Alkaline Pancreatic Juices, which provide Enzymes for Digestion, such as AMYLASES, PROTEINASES and LIPASES.
2. Endocrine: secretes INSULIN and GLUCAGON
Liver secretes into the Common Hepatic Duct
Pancreas secretes into the Pancreatic Duct
These 2x ducts form the Common Bile Duct which leads to –> the Duodenum
In humans, the Gallbladder releases Stored Bile into the Cystic Duct
What is the role of the gallbladder?
Store Bile
before discharging into the duodenum
via the Cystic Duct
What body system in the Kidneys part of?
Renal system
What is the role of the Kidneys?
part of Renal system
Kidneys are found DORSAL to the peritoneal cavity, NOT IN the peritoneum, therefore described as RETROPERITONEAL
Ventral surface of the kidney (Closest to the Retinal Cavity) is covered by Parietal peritoneum
Dark Red colour similar to the Liver due to Rich Blood Supply
Depression (HILUS) on the Medial surface is the point where the Renal ARTERY, Renal VEIN and URETER access the kidney. (only the Renal vein is obvious)
What body system is the Urinary bladder part of?
Renal system
What is the role of the Urinary Bladder?
Urinary bladder is
Near the PELVIS
a Pale Cream or Yellow bladder which STORES urine
Very Thin, THREAD-like URETERS extending Anteriorly towards the Kidneys
What body system is the Adrenal Glands part of?
Endocrine (adrenaline hormone)
What is the role of the Adrenal Glands?
at the ANTERIOR end of the Kidney, rats have adrenal glands which are SMALL BROWN BODIES
Adrenal glands are separated into 2x sections
1. Centrally, the ADRENAL MEDULLA which secretes Adrenaline
2. Surrounding the adrenal medulla is the OUTER Adrenal CORTEX (bark) that SECRETES STEROID HORMONES (e.g. Cortisol)
Which body system is the Spleen part of?
Lymphatic system
clears worn out RBC and other foreign pathogens to help fight infection
What is the role of the spleen?
Rat spleen = LEAF shaped organ Human spleen = FIST shaped organ
found next to the Great Curvature of the stomach.
also Dark Red
spleen is NOT part of the digestive system, instead part of the Lymphatic system
What are the External and Internal Female Reproductive Organs?
Female External Repro =3x Openings, Anterior–> Posterior
Urethral O –> Vaginal O –> Anus
Female Internal Repro =
Rat Uterus is Y shaped due to the paired “horns” of the uterus
Human Uterus is more U shaped
Distal end of each horn is an Ovary which connects via Tightly Coiled Oviduct. Oviduct is difficult to distinguish from the Ovary.
there are Multiple Pouches to Facilitate Numerous Births
What are the External and Internal Male Reproductive Organs?
Scrotum = contains the Testes = seen near the anus
Prepuce = Anterior to the scrotum (between 2nd and 3rd nipple) = skin Fold which Conceals the Glans of the Penis.
Rat = Flaccid penis is contained Within (internal) the Abdominal Wall
Primate = Flaccid penis is external
Anus is Below base of the tail, Behind the scrotum
What doe the Mouth consist of?
Rats: 3x Molar teeth on Both side of their jaw for Grinding
Nostril and Mouth “tracts” join After the Palate, but divide into the Oesophagus and Trachea
Trachea is Ventral to the Oesophagus
What are the pathways of the mouth?
Air entering through Nasal Cavity passes VENTRALLY into the TRACHEA (blue)
Food entering the Mouth passes DORSALLY into the OESOPHAGUS (pink)
essentially the pathway of food entry for Air and Food entering the rat Cross Paths
for Both Rats and Humans, if food doesn’t cross over it enters the Trachea, we COUGH
If air enters the Oesophagus, we BURP, called ERUCTATION
EPIGLOTTIS= Triangular Flap, found on the Ventral side, and can COVER the opening of the Trachea (GLOTTIS), preventing Food Entry into the trachea
Top of a Rat and Human mouth is Bony near the teeth and gets Softer towards the throat.
1. Hard palate (bony) = Anterior, has Grooves called Transverse Ridges, which sorts pieces of food into Various Sizes for Swallowing
2. Soft palate= No bones, More Posterior