L9 : Structure Of Research Project Flashcards
Should be simple and clear to reader
It should contain the descriptive information about the study so that the reader will easily identify the main problem of the given study as well as the subject of the research design of the study
It should be a brief paragraph about the information of the entire paper
This is the part where the problem, the participavits/res poviolents, the re- search locale, methods, scope and limitation, and the results and findings of the study will be written in 250-300 words
Abstract word range
This is the part of the paper where the writer will present the overview or the background of the study, the statement of the problem, pur- pose, research framework and the significance of the study
In this part, the writer will gather existing literature fro international and local contexts. Analyzing previous studies provide lindings from different settings and subjects. Most literature of the study will lead to the establishment of the gaps have been studied and concluded. different authors across Important since these will importantly, the review of or the missing links in what
Literature of the study
Analyzing previous studies are important since these will provide _____
findings from different settings and subjects
This is where the findings of the study are presented. The results from the statistical tools employed are reported through a tabular or graphical presentation and an extensive interpretation of results.
The findings and the result of the research study will be discussed briefly in this part of the research paper
Discussion and Conclusion
The researcher will also make his/her personal conclusion based on the results of the study
Discussion and Conclusion
The conclusion should be factual and logically determined data.
Discussion and Conclusion
The conclusion will also determine the accuracy of the hypotheses given in the conduct of the study.
Discussion and Conclusion
The ______ will also determine the accuracy of the hypotheses given in the conduct of the study.
This is where specific recommendations will be clearly presented. Such sound suggestions will be based on the results of the study. The writer may also recommend extending the study to validate its results especially with its expressed limitations
Using the standards in preparing references will be present in this part
The copy of the letter for approval, request to make the study, the sample questionnaires will be exhibited in this portion of the paper