L8 : Types Of Report Flashcards
Inform or Instruct
Readers sees details of events, actvs, conditions
No analysis, no conclu, no recomm
Written to solve problems
Analyzed, conclu, recom are made
Continuation of analytical
Main purpose: sell idea/service/product
Proposal are most common type
Most common type in persuasive report
Report that describes what had happened during certain events
Incident reports
report that provides detailed inquiry of investigated or studied events
Analytical report
report on the daily incomes and Inventory of materials, equipment or other form of items being sold in the market that nace of financial concern
Sales report
report on the daily incomes and inventory of malterials, equipment or design being created
Progress report
report on the possible market or programs to be implemented in certain areas chosen by a client or students for a project to be implemented.
Feasibility study/report
report on the approval of the created or agreement given by a superior or person who vouches the person being recommended to.
Recommendation report
report on the incident that happened and issues that have been unresolved.
Case study
report that describes one-time events, such as trips, conferences and seminars
Situational report
report that makes recommendations to management and become tools to solve problems and make decisions.
Study of prob being investigated to know its validity and workability to the user may it be scientifically analyze hence provides a conclu and recommendations
Research studies
Components of research report
Summary of findings
Conclu and recommendations
Introduction, statement of the problem, hypothesis, why it is important, objectives of the work, scope of the work.
Chap 1 : problem
discusses related work and indicate how it re- lates to report
Chap 2 rrl
describes procedure used in project, data used & how it was obtained, how it will be interpreted, the research local
Chap 3 procd/methdy
indicartes what happened and interpret what it means.
Chapter 4 sum. Of find
answers the questions what, where and how it happened
Chap 5 : conclu/recom