L9 - Personality disorders Flashcards
What are personality disorders?
Enduring/ long lasting patterns that influence how people perceive their surroundings, interact with others and think about themselves and their environment.
These are displayed across various social and personal situations.
How does this differ from the DSM-5 definition?
Adds that the enduring patters deviate markedly from the norms and that they’re pervasive and inflexible which lead to distress or impairment for the individual.
What is necessary in order for personality disorders to be diagnosed?
Thinking and/ or behaviour pattern manifested in AT LEAST 2 areas: cognition, affect, interpersonal functioning, or impulse control.
These thoughts/ behaviours need to be:
Inflexible and pervasive across a range of personal and social situations
Lead to clinically significant distress or impairment
stable and of long duration: onset can be traced to adolescence or early adulthood
Not be better explained as a manifestation of another mental disorder or medication
According to the DSM-5 how many classifications of personality disorders are there and what are they?
Cluster A: Odd/ Eccentric
Cluster B: Dramatic/ Erratic
Cluster C: Anxious/ Fearful
What are the 3 subsections of Cluster A?
Cluster A: Odd, Eccentric
What is schizoid personality characterised by?
Pervasive pattern of detachment from social relationships
Individuals don’t enjoy social relationships and have no close friends
What is schizotypal personality characterised by?
Similar to schizoid but with eccentric (strange) thoughts and behaviours, cognitive or perceptual distortions
What is paranoid personality characterised by?
pervasive distrust and suspiciousness of others
What are the 4 subsections of Cluster B?
Cluster B: Dramatic, Erratic, Emotional
What is borderline personality characterised by?
Instability of interpersonal relationships, self-image and affect + marked impulsivity
What is histrionic personality characterised by?
Excessive emotionality and attention-seeking
What is narcissistic personality characterised by?
Grandiosity, need for admiration and lack of empathy
What is antisocial personality characterised by?
Disregard for the rights of others, antisocial/ criminal behaviour
What are the 3 subsections of Cluster C?
Cluster C: anxious, fearful
What is avoidant personality characterised by?
Social inhibition (withholding emotions/ behaviour in social situations to avoid disapproval), feelings of inadequacy and extreme sensitivity to criticism, fear of disapproval or rejection