L2 - Personality theories Flashcards
What did Fiske and Taylor (1991) argue about human thinking?
That we act as ‘cognitive misers’ –> our thinking style is biased to what our own beliefs/ perceptions.
This can be positive as it’s helpful for cognitive processing - we only ‘allow’ information that suits are original thought.
However, this also aids the development of irrational thoughts e.g., stereotypes
Who developed rational emotive behaviour therapy (REBT)?
William Ellis 1995
What is REBT?
An action-oriented therapeutic approach that encourages emotional growth by helping people replace their irrational thoughts, feelings and actions with new and more effective ones
What are the 2 main concepts of REBT?
rational and irrational thoughts
How did Ellis define rational thought?
In context it’s the fundamental goals, purposes and values in life that drive the willingness to be alive a the forefront and secondly, happiness.
What does Ellis propose about emotion?
Emotions and feelings of emotional disturbance are largely due to an individuals own thoughts.
He suggests that peoples emotional distress is largely due to their own unreasonable, irrational. fears that make individuals feel anxious, depressed self-hating etc.
What is the Logico-empirical approach?
the belief that we have our own interpretations of the world and this impacts the way we interpret/ perceive events
Various different possible interpretations of the same situation can generate different emotional responses and that our emotions aren’t caused by other people but by how we think.
What 4 processes are used to interpret the world?
what is the ABC of Emotional Disturbance?
A - Activating experience
B - Beliefs
C - Consequence
e.g. Losing job –> belief that those who don’t work are useless –> Depression
What did Ellis believe about the relationship between human development and rational thinking?
Believed that humans have the innate ability to think rationally and irrationally.
However, children are raised by adults who also have innate tendencies towards irrational thinking.
Therefore, individuals rarely experience a totally rational upbringing
What are the 8 associations with rational beliefs
- High levels of anxiety
- High levels of depression
- Social dysfunction
- Isolation and withdrawal
- Anger, guilt and jealousy
- Relationship problems
- Problems of dealing with
criticism - Lack of control over situations
- Low self-esteem
What 6 traits is REBT designed to help develop
- Self-interest
- Self-direction
- Tolerance
- Acceptance of uncertainty
- Flexibility
- Self-acceptance
How are Ellis’ descriptions a positive of his research?
Provides clear descriptions that focus on the systems that uncover the cognitive and belief structures of individuals
Why is Ellis’ explanations a positive of his research?
Creates a clear system of understanding and exploring of cognitions (ABC model)
How does Ellis’ research showcase empirical validity?
The most heavily researched theory in modern psych
How is Ellis’ research comprehensive and why is this a strength?
Considers the effects of the individual’s belief system, emotional state and history of learning –> addresses both rational and irrational behaviour.
What is the arguable weakness of Ellis’ research and how did he dispute it?
Parsimony - described as being too simplistic.
He disputed this by stating that whilst the theory itself is simplistic its application is more complex.