L9 - Chemical Senses 2 Flashcards
What is the molecular receptice range in olfaction?
The range of a particular receptor
What is the olfactory bulbar structure?
Olfactory nerve layer Glomerular layer External plexiform layer Mitral cell layer Granule cell layer
In the external plexiform layer what is the excitatory path?
Mitral cell to granule cell
In the external plexiform layer what is the inhibitory path?
Granule cell to mitral cell
What are the suggested functions of granule cells?
Gain control
Bulbar oscillations
Odour recognition/memory
Outline recurrent and lateral inhibition of mitral cells
Odour excites glomerulus with mitral cell A –> granule cell connected to A gets excited –> recurrent feedback inhibition of mitral cell A and lateral inhibition of mitral cell B
What are the two methods of contrast enhancement of glomerular maps?
Lateral inhibition in the olfactory bulb
Non-topographical contrast enhancement
What are the frequencies of oscillatory activities in the olfactory bulb?
Theta 5-10Hz. Synchronised to breathing rhythm/sniffing
Beta 20-40Hz. M/TC granule cell interaction driven by top -Down input
Gamma. 40-100Hz. M/TC granule cell interaction
Why aren’t humans able to smell aswell as rodents?
Wehave change blindness due to our slower and irregular breathing pattern
Is the granule cell spine a mini neuron?
They do fire APs in vivo however transmitter release can occur without an AP. The spine thus acts like a micro circuit or mini neuron which enhances the computational power of the bulbar network by providing each granule cell withseverl hundreds of independent micro
What is 2 photon flourescence microscopy?
Uses both IR and UV
Much deeper with less photo damage
What is a line scan?
Scans an x-y line of interest with high temporal resolution. The neuron is stimulated. The intensity is projecred onto the temporal axis analysis is done by relative flourescence change.
Outline to go-no go task by abraham et al
Odour S+ - gave a reward if the mouses head stayed
Odour S- head retraction
Used both simple discrimination (odour a vs odour b) and difficult discrimination (0.6A 0.4B vs 0.4A 0.6B)
Found that the mice discriminated each equally well however it took longer for the more complex stimulus.
Outline the granule cell specific modification of ionotropic glutamate receptors, genetic mutation findings.
GluA2 deletion –> AMPA Ca2+ permeable –> a larger calcium and gaba gradienf leading to a gain of function
GluA1 deletion makes NMDA receptors calcium impermeable leading to a decrease in calcium and therfore a decrease in GABA leading to a loss of function.
Therefore granule cell mediated inhibition contributes to fine odour discrimination.
What are the neuromodulatry centrifugal inputs in olfaction?
locus coerulus
Raphé nucleus