L9: Anti-Competition Flashcards
what is the effect of Art 101(1)?
prohibits agreements between undertakings, decisions by associations of undertakings, and concerted practices which may affect trade between Member States and which have as their object or effect the prevention, restriction, or distortion of competition within the internal market.
What is the effect of art 101(2)
treats prohibited agreements as void
article 101 3
allows for individual exceptions from 101 (1)
What are the requirements of article 101(3)?
An agreement must have:
beneficial effects
Must be proportionate
No substantial elimination of competition
Article 102
Prohibits abusive conducts by businesses that have substantial market power
What behaviour does article 102 target?
Unilateral behaviour by dominant undertakings
Who enforces article 101 and 102
The european commission, national courts and national competition authorities
Why are restrictive business practices harmful?
harm consumers, detrimental effect on business efficacy, likely to disadvantage small and medium sized businesses
Article 101 TFEU summary
prohibits business agreements or arrangements which prevent, restrict, or distort competition within the internal market and affect trade between Member States.
What does 102 prohibit
the abuse of market power, or ‘dominance’, normally by businesses acting unilaterally, within the internal market.
What is an undertaking?
Does articles 101 and 102 concern the behaviour of MS?
No- they concern behaviour of businesses
What type of agreements does art 101 cover
formal agreements, informal arrangements between undertakings
What happens if an undertaking is found to be in breach of art 101
agreement is void
Conditions for breach of art 101
1) all agreements between undertakings, decisions by associations of undertakings, and concerted practices
2) which may affect trade between MS
3) which have as their object or effect the prevention, restriction, or distortion of competition within the internal market
How has undertaking been defined in Hofner?
natural and legal persons (individuals and companies) engaged in commercial activity for the provision of goods or services
Definition of agreement
formal binding contracts and also less formal agreements or arrangements, for instance the so-called ‘gentleman’s agreement’ concluded simply by a handshake which may not be recorded in writing.
Is a decision covered by art 101?
yes- Anti-competitive activity might be coordinated through a trade association, for instance through a decision requiring its members to raise their prices to a specified level or to refuse supplies to particular categories of customer.
Judgement of IAZ International
even if a recommendation was expressed to be non-binding it would fall within [Article 101(1)] if it was intended to be anti-competitive and was normally complied with, resulting in an appreciable effect on competition.
What is a cartel?
A group of independent companies or businesses, operating in the same market, that collude to fix prices, share markets, or engage in other forms of anti-competitive behaviour.
What is a horizontal agreement
concluded between parties operating at the same level of the production/distribution chain (e.g. agreement between manufacturers)
What is a vertical agreement
operate at different levels, for instance a distribution agreement between a manufacturer and a distributor.
What did Consten establish ?
Both vertical and horizontal agreements are capable of falling within art 101
What constitutes an agreement, decision or concerted practice affecting trade?
possible to foresee with a sufficient degree of probability on the basis of a set of objective factors of law or of fact that the agreement in question may have an influence, direct or indirect, actual or potential, on the pattern of trade between Member States’
Facts: Under loan agreements with the brewery, Mr and Mrs Wilkin undertook to obtain all their supplies of beer and soft drinks exclusively from the brewery. When this obligation was breached, the brewery sought repayment of the loan in the national court. The couple argued that the agreements infringed [Article 101] and were therefore void.
Held: Considering whether the agreements should be assessed in isolation or in the light of other similar agreements, the Court of Justice held that the effect on trade between Member States must be examined in the overall legal and economic context. The existence of similar contracts was a factor to be taken into account.
Does an agreement,decision or concerted practice have to have an actual effect on the market?
No- sufficient to establish an anti-competitive object or anti-competitive effect
What is a de minimis agreement?
if the parties’ aggregate share of the relevant market does not exceed 10 per cent or; (normally competitors horizontal)
if the market share of each of the parties does not exceed 15 per cent (normally non-competitors vertical)
What are the exceptions to art 101
art 101 (3)-
contributes to improving the production or distribution of goods or to promoting technical or economic progress;
while allowing consumers a fair share of the resulting benefit;.
does not
impose on the undertakings concerned restrictions which are not indispensable to the attainment of these objectives;
afford such undertakings the possibility of eliminating competition in respect of a substantial part of the products in question.
What is an improvement on production or distribution of goods or promoting technical or economic progress?
Requires effiency gains- quantitative (Reduced costs from improved production) qualitative- generating better products or enhanced research
ACEC berliet
Facts: The ACEC/Berliet agreement provided for technical cooperation and joint research on the development of a bus equipped with electric transmission. There were restrictive clauses controlling production and markets. Exemption was granted on the basis that the agreement allowed each party to concentrate on the areas within its own expertise, Berliet on research on vehicles and their manufacture and ACEC on research on electrical constructions.
Allowing consumers a fair share of the resulting benefit
resulting benefit must at least compensate consumers for any negative impact caused by the restriction of competition
No restrictions that are not indispensable
This condition requires proportionality. Restrictions must not go beyond what is necessary to achieve the beneficial objectives of the agreement. If the benefits can be achieved by less restrictive means, exemption will not apply.
Facts: Domestic appliance manufacturers undertook to phase out washing machines with low energy efficiency. The agreement was found to breach [Article 101(1)] because it restricted consumer choice and raised production costs for some manufacturers. The Commission, interpreting economic efficiency to include environmental benefits as well as technical efficiency, considered whether there were less restrictive ways of reducing energy consumption, such as informing consumers about the energy costs of machines, allowing them to make a choice. The Commission concluded that this would not be the most effective means. Consequently, the agreement was necessary to achieve the benefits.
No elimination of competition
There must be no elimination of competition in respect of the product in question.