L8 - Threats to whales Flashcards
what are the 6 threats to whales mentioned in class?
- Loss of habitat
- Overfishing
- Pollution
- Underwater noise
- Ship strikes
- Entanglement
what is wrong with Whale population ecology?
Difficult to observe to get estimates
How do we get whale population estimate samples
-often use multiple sound sensors to triangulate whale calls
- find them on continental shelves
what is wrong with whale population ecology
- Large margin of error
- all estimates will be inaccurate
what do current whale population ecology estimates show?
low populations with VERY slow recovery
when was the moratorium on whaling
what is the period between 1925 and 1960 also known as?
the “Whaling Olympics”
what is Live capture?
capturing whales alive for the use of display or tagging
what whales where targeted for live capture?
what is dangerous about live capture?
many whales either died from fear and heart attack when captured in nets or from entanglement
Does Live Capture of whales still occur?
banned in many places
- still can get a permit in BC
what whale is most commonly caught for captivity?
Beluga Whales
what is “the Blob”
- a large mass of super productive algae
- dense algae bloom that die all at once
- creates dead zones by blocking out light and taking up nutrients.
- 2013
why do coastal regions become so degraded
High population densities and Cities in coastal or river regions.
- More people = more pollution
Are whales K selective or R selective?
K selective and requires stable ecosystems
- density independent
- limited breeding
- capital breeders