What are some alternatives to incarceration ?
-conditional sentences
- parole
- intermediate punishment
Who thought that “nothing works” in regards to reintegration?
A sentence that allows a convicted
offender to serve their sentence in
the community, subject to certain
conditions for a designated time
What are some possible mandatory conditions of probation?
- Remaining within a particular jurisdiction
- Reporting to a probation officer (as required)- - Keeping the peace
- Keeping authorities informed about changes of residence
- Refraining from contact with criminal associates
- Notifying the court or probation officer of any
change in employment or occupation
What are some optional conditions that can be placed on probations?
*Drug counselling
*Avoiding contact with children
*Community service order
*Reporting to probation officer
What do judges have when determining
whether to give probation?
considerable discretion
Two Reasons – Probation for Violent
- Less serious
- Prior criminal record
What is a conditional
sentence of
Sentence of imprisonment of
less than 2 years that the offender
serves in the community under both
optional and mandatory conditions
What are some of the more common options for conditional sentences?
- Curfews
- Mandatory medical and psychiatric treatment
- Orders preventing offenders from contacting other persons
What are some of the least used options for conditional sentences?
-Home confinement
- Electronic Monitoring
Where do conditional sentences fit in
the grand scheme of things?
Punishment between:
* Incarceration
* Probation
Net Widening
“occurs when offenders are diverted into a
new program (such as conditional
sentencing) even though they are not really
the individuals for whom the program was
originally intended.”
Did the overall use and introduction of conditional sentences reduce the rates of imprisonment?
total number of sentences of
imprisonment handed down has
changed little since conditional
sentences were introduced in late
Why were intermediate sanctions brought about?
- Reduce prison overcrowding
- Decrease costs
- Protect community
- Discourage offending
- Help rehabilitate
What is intensive supervision probation?
A punishment-oriented form of probation in
which offenders are placed under stricter and
more frequent surveillance and control than
conventional probation by probation officers
with small case loads
Whats the most common form of intermediate punishment?
Intensive Supervision Probation
Random checks
4 conditional release programs:
- full parole
-day parole - statutory release
- temporary absences