What are the two assumptions of reintegration?
- only the most serious offenders should be sentenced to a period of incarceration in the federal system
- the use of alternative sanctions be maximized
T/F: In Canada majority of inmates are released before the end of there sentence
What is the basis of the reintegration approach?
repeat offending
What focus does the Theory of Risk Assessment have?
Has a social psychological focus
3 Factors that underly risk assessment :
- Risk
- Need
- Responsivity
Static Factor Example:
prior record
Dynamic Factor Example:
-Level of education
Difference between Static and Dynamic Factors
Dynamic factors can be changed
What does Responsivity mean?
selecting appropriate targets for change as well as styles of service
General v.s. Specific Responsivity
Why are correctional institutions expensive?
Whats the con of using Correctional Institutions ?
Expensive method of incarceration
Five aspects looked at when considering conditional release for a convict:
Whats one of the largest obstacles for reentry criminals?
Desistance from crime means…
Breaking the cycle
Being released and not reoffending
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